POV Fiona: I'm not the same girl I use to be..

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When girls think about change; they think about a new hair cut or a new style but not me. I've literally became a new person. After last night, that was the last time I was even able to call myself a half decent human.

That night, I also saw a different Seth than I am use to seeing. I could feel the fear and emotions in him mixing like a hurricane. Blowing in a wind of chaos. I knew what I told and showed him that night changed what path he should walk. But I didn't want to come between him and his family.. After all, considering my history with family, I don't have the best track record. My father was literally the devil of hell and the only think I knew of my biological mother was that she was human. Other than that, I have no name and not even a clear answer of weather she was died or alive.

I sat at the kitchen table thinking of the night my adoptive parents died.

Fire. Fire. Fire. All that was there was fire.

I slammed my hand against the table frustrated. Even though I knew anything at all, it still wasn't enough. I had to find Ajar.

Before he killed me, he did something to himself that I found odd. It still wasn't settling right with me no matter how many times I replayed that moment in my head. Something in his eyes shifted and I need to know what it was..

Seth stepped into the kitchen and sat across from me. I could still see that he was struggling but he still kept his calm presence "So, what's on your mind Fiona?" I glared at him, I kinda hated him for acting like everything was normal when it wasn't. I know he was trying to figure things out in his head but that still didn't make what was going on now any better "You don't have to treat me like a human. I'm fine. But what you should worry about is Ajar." I could see his expression changed as soon as I bought up his name "I have no idea what you mean.. He's a vampire. He can take care of himself." I could almost laugh but I took every inch of this conversation seriously "If you really believed that than why are you refusing to tell me where he's located?" he glared at me coldly "You have no place in dealing with vampire business. This doesn't concern you." I shot back "Even if that's the same vampire that killed me in cold blood without flinching?" he stared at me stunned. I could tell he didn't expect me to respond that way but I refuse to back down to a bunch of vampires that meddled in my life since day one.

I got up and began walking towards the door "Where are you going?" my hand was just above the door handle as I paused. I turned to look at him "I'm leaving. Since I have no place in vampire business. I have no business being here considering this is a place of vampire business. Don't you think it's unfair to tell me it's none of my business when all you vampire's ever done has been up in mines?" he got up angry "That's different and you know it! Your business happens to involve the whole worlds fate. No human or some simple supernatural being can ignore that. You are literally the walking definition of what it means to defy against nature. You think vampires are bad? I'd like to see how you try your luck against celestial beings like your father." I snapped at him "You can get angry all you want Seth. But all you've done since I've met you was try to lock me up or keep me hidden. Giving me do's and don'ts. Do you have no idea how it feel to be around you?! It's suffocating. I actually feel like I want to die but I can't. You think that your helping but your not! You think that you can control the situation but you can't!" I grew more angry with every statement that I made and pointed out "And let's not forget you've been against me and Ajar from the very start. Your the whole reason he lost it and killed me in the first place! You think you can contain and control every aspect of my situation but you can't. You just make everything around you crash and burn. You can't control how we feel for each other and you most definitely can't keep us apart. I've bet you've noticed by now, but no matter what you or anyone else does to keep me and him apart. Ajar always finds me." I glared at him with so much hate "So you and everyone else can go to hell! Trust me, I'll meet you there." I turned around to open the door and walk out. But in master super speed, Seth blocked me. He pushed me away from the door making me back up. He looks at me furious "Fine. Your right. Being me isn't easy. Sometimes I feel like it's suffocating, however while I'm out here making all the big shots and final calls. You've lost all right to fucking complain. You all do!" he glared at me "All you and Ajar do is complain about what I've done and how badly I've messed up. But did it EVER crossed any of your minds what I had to give or what I had to sacrifice to make those calls? NO! Because I'm seen as the guy who will do anything to protect his own kind. And yea, that's right! So forgive me, if I'm a dick from time to time. But what I won't apologize for is doing what I have to do to get the job done. So until, one of you start wearing my shoes, just fall in line. I may make it look easy when I make these decisions but none of them are made with a light heart. Everything I do is heavy, Fiona. So shut up and sit your ass down."

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