POV Ajar: She's Gone..

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My mind went blank as Fiona was thrown into a bubble of fire. My body moved into horrifying speed as I screamed her name but before my hand could reach her, It was too late. Her last words were "I'm sorry..." I could only stare at her as she was put into a deep sleep. I walked up to the bubble in attempt to get her out but every time my hand got near it, it would burn my skin off my fingertips. I looked at Lucifer in complete anger "What are you doing to her?" I asked fully aware of the answer. He needed her for a war. He needed her but not the current her. All he did next was smirk. Not even answering, like my question was nothing but the air that we breathe; because he knew that I knew.

I felt everything crumple and every logic leaving my body like a sore that could live in the body. I glared even deeper at him, getting ready for any attack I could master.

Lucifer smiled and said calmingly "I promised her I wouldn't harm you, so don't give me a reason. Your father's deal went through. He bought me her and now your people can live peacefully." I snapped my neck at me father "What does he mean 'he promised her?' What did she do?!" Micane stared at me hopelessly but spoke with the same authority he would on any other day "For Fiona to fully take over the throne she had to be willing to accept her birthright. And for that birthright, she would've only accepted under one condition." He stopped talking and this only grew my confusion and anxiety even more "What condition!?! What exactly did she give?!" he shouted at me "You! The condition she came up with was, as long as you are kept safe and not harm. She will accept her birthright and abandon the current her now. That was the condition the current her made..." my knees buckled below me as the realization of her sacrifice was all for me... It was all for me...

X, in amazing speed came to my side, trying to hold me up. I could feel that his concern was on me and his anger was directed towards our father "It's one thing to not care about me or Roman. But the son that you said you wanted to protected more than anything. You didn't figure he'd be hurt by this!" Micane almost laughed like it was joke but soon showed his anger "Don't you dare lecture me on how to take care of family! You walked away from this family!" X left my side and pointed the gun right back at our father "You claim everything was for the great or good. You want to know why Roman and I left? Because of you. Everything you did since mom died did nothing but tore us all apart." Micane looked at his son like it was the first time seeing him.

"You also want to know something else? If I had known what Ajar's life would have turned out to be, I would've begged Roman harder to take him with us. But I trusted that he would be okay considering he knew nothing." Feeling time slowly down, I looked to Fiona and for the first time I wish I could turn back time. My abilities only could go so far. If only I trained my mind hard enough to do that. I got up feeling the strength in my body coming back. I didn't know what would come out of that bubble when it was finished with Fiona. But I knew within myself I had to be prepared to face it.

As I walked over to X who still had our father at gunpoint. I had no efforts to stop him. But out of nowhere, the doors to the room crashed opened. I turned to see who it was and turned to see Seth through it's opening. Along with some guy at his side. The guy had wings that was white has snow and hair that fitted ten pounds of sliver. I could only stare at him as he stepped passed Seth, walking in confidently calling out "Lucifer! You once again disobeyed father's will again. He isn't happy!" I turned to Lucifer to see him smiling at the turn of events "Gabriel, what a surprise for you to join us. I see father is still the same. Sending you to clean up messes." Seth ran up to me and X as the two brothers talked out their family affairs. Seth talked to me "Where is Fiona?" he said hurriedly, I had more questions for him but I point to the bubble that held Fiona captive. As soon Seth saw that, he rushed over to her before I could stop him and got burnt right at the fingertips "AH! What the fuck!?!" he questionably looked at a sleeping Fiona in a bubble of fire and turned to me "What's happening to her?" he asked harshly, I would have been offended normally but this situation required me to not be petty.

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