POV Ajar: What The Heck Is Going On?!

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I see her. Just an average looking girl if you ask me. She's got the glasses, plus the cute dimples. She's only wearing a yellow shirt with black strips on it, followed by her lather skirt; with her black high heel boots. She was nothing but average looking. She was pretty, yes. But average.

   I'm waiting for her to move but she is looking at me, as much as I'm looking at her. And in that moment I have this urge and a vision.

   It's a women, that looks just like her. Standing in a field of crimson roses mouthing out the words 'HELP' As she turns to face me with blood on her hands. Coming close to me she whispers 'Help me Ajar-'

   As the vision was taking place, one of her friends clears her throat interrupting me before the vision can finish and moves her slightly to the left, for me to pass "Sorry. She usually doesn't space out like this." as I'm still looking at this girl, I chose to break the connection I was sharing with her. I don't know why, but I think she noticed it too. As I look at her friend I said ".. Whatever."

   I didn't want to come off rude but whatever that was, I wanted no part in it. And I walked passed them.

   While I walked to my best-friend Seth, I turn to look back, to see her and her two friends walk off.

   As I'm trying to figure out what that vision was about, Seth popped up in front of me "Yo! Dude, you cool?" I smiled and give him a fist bump "You know I'm always chillin. Where's Magnolia?" Magnolia is Seth's sister. And it happens we all share a little secret.

   We're vampires.

   As if specking of the devil, Magnolia shows up "Did I hear my name?" smiling, I pulled her into a headlock "Was you feeding without me again?" she laughs "Not like you missed much." I let her go, while Seth greeted her with a hug.

   As vampires, we try not to blow our covers. But we take advantage of whatever is at our disposal. Just like me, I have visions. I can tell the future or rewrite it in my own merit. So, it comes in handing when it's time to cheat on a test I'm not prepared for.

    Seth can erase the memories of mortals and anything supernatural, which makes life more easier for when someone finds out about us; While Magnolia can teleport. Which makes travel more fun for us.


    In all honesty, we're just your average looking vampires, who people don't know exist. And so far, we love the fact that they don't. We'd hate to have to erase the whole human race. That would be a pain in the neck.

   As Magnolia friends shows up, I pulled Seth to the side "Hey, can I bother you real quick?" he looks at me confused, as the rest of the hall of people gets ready to go to their classes. I look around to make sure no one is listening in "Dude, something weird just happened to me." Seth is now interested and intrigued "What could have possibly happen to the smartest guy I know?" he is laughing but I'm not "This is not a joke man. I had a vision." taking a breath in, I look at him "It was intense." Seth looks at me worried "What was it about?" I try to look for the words, on how I can describe the vision. Different? New? Not the norm? I felt no matter how I put it, it all comes down to the fact that it wasn't my normal type of visions. I wasn't sure if that was the future, the past, or the present.

   Seth is waiting for me to say something and I do "It wasn't normal. It was like.. that girl.." Seth was trying to make out who I was trying to describe and then it hits him "Ah, are you talking about Fiona?" I stare at him confused, like was I suppose to know who that is. He laughs "Fiona, is the girl you was talking to you. The one you told to move, remember? Yellow shirt and black strips." And than it hits me "That's her!" I yell in a hush tone, so no one can hear me "She was in my vision.. It was like it was her but it wasn't.. She was asking for help.." Seth's look harden "You know we can't get caught up in mortal affairs. It isn't our place and you know why." I felt the seriousness off his voice but I wasn't phased "I'm telling you, that this was just my vision. I'm not saying I'll make it my business to help any mortal." he shakes his head in disapproval "It doesn't matter. Just stay clear of her next time." Before I can unsure him that he is only overreacting, he was already walking away from me.

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