Chapter 16

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Elizabeth's POV

So I carried on walking to the cinemas which only took me about 15 minutes and when I got there I seen Danny looking over at me leaning on the wall.

"Hey," I smile.

"Hey," he smiles back.

"I would have got changed-" I say only to get cut off by Danny.

"Elizabeth don't worry about it," he chuckles, "as long as you're here I don't mind," he says making me blush.

"Ok," I nod.

"Anyway what movie do you want to watch?" He asks as we both walk into the cinemas.

"I'm not sure," I sigh.

"How about a horror movie? They're always good," he suggests.

"Erm, sure," I smile.

I hate horror movies, they scare the crap out of me. I'll sit and watch them because I want to know what's going on but I hate them, because I have nightmares and think they're real and stupid stuff like that.

"Ouija looks like a good one to watch," he suggests.

"Yeah it does," I nod.

"If you want to watch something else we can," he says as he looks down at me.

"No, no let's watch Ouija," I quickly say.

All the other movies honestly look crap so may as well watch Ouija.

"Two tickets to go see Ouija please," Danny asks.

"No, I'll pay for me," I say as he he puts his card in the machine.

"No, you won't, this is a date, the guy always pays," he tells me, "and no arguments about it," he quickly adds on.

"Fine," I scowl at him.

Once we got our tickets we walked over to where you can get food and drink. Danny bought us a large bag of popcorn to share and we both got a large coke which I tell you now wasn't cheap. Then we handed our tickets over and went into the theatre.

"Looks like we're going to have to sit at the back," Danny chuckles after we see how many people are in there.

"Looks that way," I giggle as we both make our way right to the back.

Finally when we get to the top we went down the row and sat down next to each other.

"So how's your neck?" He asks.

"It's fine, it just stings a little," I shake my head.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Danny, stop," I sigh, "this is suppose to be our first date, I don't want to talk about my stupid problems at home on a date," I shake my head.

"Yeah, fair enough, you're right," he nods, "sorry."

Then we go silent for a couple of seconds, great.

"So, when's your birthday?" He asks.

"September 6th," I tell him.

"So you only turned 18 this year?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah," I nod, "how about you? When's your birthday?"

"February 20th," he sighs.

"Why are you sighing about it?" I giggle.

"Because I'll be turning 27 which is three years of 30," I scoffs.

"So......." I scowl.

"I'm old," he blurts out making me burst into laughter.

"You've got to be having a laugh," I say to him, "worry about being 30 when you turn 30," I scoff.

"You try being my age and say that," he scowls at me.

"Just take things as they come along don't think so far ahead," I tell him.

"Are you not bothered by he fact you're on a date with a 26 year old man?" He asks.

"No," I scoff.

"Why not?" He frowns.

"Because I like you," I tell him.

"So you admit to liking me now do you?" He chuckles.

"Because kissing you and going out on a date with you doesn't already admit that," I scoff making him chuckle and lean over to kiss me gently on the lips.

"You're gorgeous you know," he whispers to me making me blush and giggle.

"The movies about to start," I say making him scowl and shake his head before we both turn and look at the screen.

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