Chapter 21

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Danny's POV

After session everyone left to go home or wherever and I went back in my office to gather my things together.

Once I got everything I locked my office door and walked out of the theatre and made my way down the corridor to leave the college. And then I see Elizabeth walk away from her locker.
Seeing no-one's around I run up behind Elizabeth and wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her cheek over and over again making her giggle like crazy.

"I'll pick you up down the street," I tell her before letting go off her and walking ahead looking back smiling at her before walking out of the college.

Going over to my car I put my things in the boot before getting in the car and starting it up.

Reversing out of the parking spot I drive out of the car park and make my way down the street and stop at a safe enough point.

Looking in the car mirror I sort my hair out and brush it back with my hands to make it look neater.

Just as I sit back and relax the passenger door opens and Elizabeth gets in putting her bag down next to her feet as she does.

"I can't believe you just did that," she says as she puts her belt on as I start to drive.

"I made sure no-one was around," I chuckle.

"Still risky," she points out as she gives me a warning look and I just scowl at her making her smile and shake her head, "so it's not only girls that like to sort themselves out before they're other half turns up," she giggles as she looks at my hair.

"It was messy," I shrug.

"I like it messy," she raises her eyebrows as she bites her lip just as I stop at the traffic lights.

"Come here you," I say making her giggle as we both lean in and kiss each other.

As we pull away from the kiss the green light goes on so I start driving again looking over at Elizabeth every now and then.

"What do you think Billy's going to say?" I ask Elizabeth.

"About what?" She frowns.

"Me and you," I tell her.

"I have no idea," she laughs, "he knows you're my tutor so he might have something to say about it but I don't know," she shrugs.

"Well he knows I like you and he hasn't said it's wrong, he just talked to me about it and he seemed fine about it, so maybe he will be alright with it," I raise my eyebrows.

"You talked to Billy about you liking me?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Well yeah," I nod, "you're the main subject of conversation," I smile.

"And what exactly do you guys say about me," she frown strong really interested.

"I'm not saying," I scoff.

"Come on, please," she says batting her eyelashes.

"Elizabeth I'm not telling you," I say with a 'haha' face.

"Fine, be that way," she scowls making me chuckle.

My parents are going to love her. She's so amazing and just perfect.

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