Chapter 32

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Elizabeth's POV

We're here. Me and Danny are here in his car outside his parents house.

"You ready?" Danny asks me.


"Yeah," I smile before we both get out the car and shut the doors behind us.

"Since when have you become a nervous wreck?" He chuckles as he takes hold of my hand and kisses me on the cheek.

"Since I've never done this before and since your my tutor and I'm your student who is 18 leaving an 8 year gap," I tell him.

"My parents won't have a problem with any of that," he tells me, "just relax," he smiles as he opens the front door to his parents house leading me in behind him and then shutting the door.

"Oh Danny," this pretty dark blonde haired, tall woman with brown eyes and tan skin smiles this perfect smile as she walks over to Danny and hugs him.

"Hi Mam," Danny chuckles as he hugs his Mam after leaving go of my hand.

"Hi Sweetie," she says to him as they stop hugging and Danny steps back and holds my hand again, "oh, you must be El," she smiles as she steps forward and gives me a tight hug.

"And you just be Julia," I smile as we stop hugging.

"Yeah," she giggles, "you're pictures do you no justice, you're pretty in pictures but way more pretty in person," she says I'm thinking is a compliment, right?

"Thank you," I giggle.

"Where's Dad?" Danny asks.

"He's in the living room with your brother," she tells him.

"What? Mike's here?" He frowns.

I was only suppose to be meeting his parents today not his brother as well, great.

"Yeah," she smiles.

"Elizabeth was only suppose to be meeting you and Dad today," he frowns.

"I know I'm sorry, he just turned up," she sighs before walking off into I'm guessing the living room.

"I didn't know he was going to be here," Danny whispers.

"It's fine don't worry about it," I smile before we both walk into the living room.

"Danny boy," his Dad smiles as he gets up and shakes hands with Danny and then Mike shaking his hand too.

"El, what's a gorgeous young lady like yourself doing with our Danny?" His Dad chuckles as he hugs me, "I'm Trev Danny's Dad."

"It's nice to meet you," I smile as he steps back.

"You too," he nods.

"Hi," Mike smiles/smirks, "I'm Mike, his brother," he says giving me a hug.

"Hi," I smile.

"So, it's Sunday and Danny tells me that you love a good Sunday dinner," Julia smiles.

"Yes I do," I giggle.

"Great, so let's all go on through to the dining room," she smiles before we all make our way into the dining room.

Danny pulls out a chair for me and I sit down as he pushes me under the table a bit before he sits down next to me.

"Here you go," Julia smiles as she places a plate of food in front of me and Danny before getting everyone else's.

When we all started to eat our food my mouth burst in awe from how delicious the food was. Danny's a great cook and I always wonder why and now I know, he gets it from his Mam.

"This is delicious," I tell her.

"Thank you," she smiles.

"Now I know where Danny gets his cooking skills from," I nod.

"He's actually cooked food from scratch for you?" Trev raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah," I frown, "he always does."

"Well that's a first," Trev chuckles.

"Danny bringing a girl here to meet us lot is a first," Mike scoffs.

What does that mean? Danny's never brought a girl to meet his parents? He's 26 years old, how is that possible?

"What? Seriously?" I ask Danny.

"Seriously," he nods, "you're the first woman I've been with that my parents have met."

"And you have no idea how excited we are about it," Julia smiles widely.

"Has Danny met your parents?" Mike asks.

"That's a touchy subject," Danny tells Mike giving him a 'I could kill you' look.

"Oh," is all Mike said before we all got on with eating our lunch.

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