Chapter 50

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Danny's POV

He did what? Jack kissed Elizabeth, my girlfriend, he actually fucking kissed her!

"I'm going to kill him," I growl in anger as I walk towards Elizabeth to get to the apartment door but she presses her back up against it so I can't get past, "Elizabeth move please."

"No, you're not going to do anything," she tells me, "now sit down and we're going to talk about this," she points at me with a serious look to her face.

"Fine," I huff knowing fine well there's no point arguing with her because she'll only win so I make my way back to the couch and sit on the edge of it with my face in my hands and then I feel the couch dip down beside me.

"Last night he was messing on and said something about me not staying for him to give me a New Year kiss but I'm thinking now that he wasn't messing on," she sighs, "and anyway I went on to say I already had someone to kiss and then I needed up telling him that I had a boyfriend and he seemed to settle down a bit," she explains to me, "and when I got up to go he said he'd wait outside with him and I thought nothing of it and we were stood in silence and then he just crashed his lips against mine so I pushed him away and I slapped him across the face."

"Well good, he's lucky I wasn't around or I would have smashed his head in," I scoff getting angry and shaking my head.

"I went around this morning to give him the chance to apologise but instead he said he wasn't going to apologise, and that I had to listen to why he did it, what he wants and what he thinks about me and him," she says rubbing her forehead, "and once he had he asked me to kiss him and I told him that I wouldn't and it was a bad idea for me to have went to talk to him about it and when I got up to leave he pulled me back down to the couch and pinned me down and kisses me," she shakes her head, "I had to bite him for him to stop and then I pushed him off me and got out."

"And you didn't kiss him back?" I raise my eyebrows.

"No," she scoffs.

"So he kissed you last night, what made you go to his apartment this morning?" I scowl.

Maybe she's lying and did kiss him back. I mean I'm going to admit it the lad isn't exactly bad looking and he's Elizabeth's age, she's not restricted to things they can do because they wouldn't have to be a secret. For all I know they're seeing each other and this is Elizabeth trying to confess to it. And yes I am aware Elizabeth is more or less with me all the time but once or twice a week I have to teach some sessions when she hasn't got one so they could be doing whatever then.

"Because he'd sent me all these text messages and called me loads and I went around there to try sort it out to give him a chance to apologise and realise his mistakes," she tells me but then a frown appears on her face as she looks and points at me, "you don't believe me," she mutters.

"I don't know what you're doing when I'm not around," I shrug.

"Fuck you Danny!" She shouts as she stands up and walks into my bedroom.

"What do you think you're doing?" I shout as I walk after her into my room to find her packing all her things up.

"I'm leaving what the fuck does it look like," she scoffs.

"No you're not we're going to talk about this," I tell her.

"Talk about what? The fact that you would actually think I'd be that low and cheat on you?" She raises her voice.

"He kissed you last night and then you go around there to talk it out and give him a chance to apologise only for him to then kiss you again," I raise my voice, "you're not the kind of person that goes to people for them to apologise to you, you make people sweat and make them pluck up the courage to find you to apologise yet you went running to him to get an apology it's hard to believe."

"He's my friend," she shouts as she turns to look at me, "and last night I rejected him, Jack has lived his whole life with people rejecting him and he takes it hard, he does stupid things."

"But yet you rejected him again this morning and left," I frown.

"He forced himself onto me Danny and it scared me that's why I left," she says look angry and really upset.

"So what? Are you going to go to him again to make sure he hasn't done something 'stupid' because the way you rejected him today is much worse than how you rejected him yesterday maybe this time when you go see him to 'sort things out' he might sneak a hand into your pants," I say waving my hands around and by the look on her face I really shouldn't have said that.

"Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!" She points every time she says it.

"No that's what he'll do to you after the fourth rejection," I shout and with that she walks over to me and slaps me.

"I told you what happened because I wanted trust and honesty in our relationship and when I give you the honesty for you to trust me you throw it back in my face and try to make me out to be a whore who's an easy fuck," she shouts.

"If what happened with Jack last night was such a terrible thing that you wanted to be truthful and honest about then why didn't you tell me as soon as you got in the taxi?" I shout back.

"Because like I told you last night I didn't want to ruin our night together," she says looking really stressed with me.

"Or maybe it's because you actually kissed him back felt guilty and you made up what you told me to cover it up which is why you wanted to tell me today and not last night," I scoff crossing my arms over my chest and she just looks at me frowning.

"How the fuck are you thinking up this shit?" She says her voice going high pitched, "it's almost as if you want me to have kissed him back."

"He's younger than me, he's your age and if you were with him you wouldn't be restricted to what you do because you wouldn't have to be a secret, who wants to be in a relationship where you have to keep your relationship a secret to half the people in your life, you're 18 years old you want freedom and excitement with someone our own age not a 26 year old man that you have to keep a secret who is holding you from the freedom because we have to hide from people so we don't get into bother, 18 year olds are all about being reckless and daring and you're the most reckless and daring person I know," I scoff, "why would you want an old man over a young guy?" I shout.

"Because I love you Danny!" She shouts even louder and we both just look at each other and I tilt my head to the side a little, "but you know what? Fuck you Danny," she sighs picking her bags up and putting them over her shoulder before walking past me and out of my room and then I hear the apartment door slam shut.

What the fuck am I doing standing here? Why didn't I go after her? Why am I still stood here.

Quickly running out my room and apartment the elevator doors are already shut.

Taking my phone out of my pocket I try to call Elizabeth but she isn't answering, so I run to the stairs and start running down them to try catch up with her.

What have I done!



Hey guys this is the final chapter of MAMP! I was feeling like the story was just getting too long and also I got asked how much longer I was planning my story to be :P so that is what helped me to decide that I was going to write s Sequel to MAMP! Wahoo!!!


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