Chapter 24

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Danny's POV

Parking in the car park I rush out of the car and around it to open the door for Elizabeth.

"Thank you," she smiles as she gets out putting her bag over her shoulder as I shut the car door.

"I'm just going to get my stuff out of the back," I tell her as I open the boot and get my things out.

"You literally live five minutes away from where I live," she giggles as we walk to the apartment building.

"I know," I chuckle.

"How long have you lived here for?" She asks me as we walk into the lobby and wait for the lift.

"About a week since I started working at the college so about three months," I shrug as the lift doors open.

"Oh right," she nods as we step in and I press the number to the floor in which my apartment's at, which is the top floor.

Just as the lift doors were about to shut some guy about Elizabeths age rushes in through the doors just in time checking out Elizabeth as he does. And it just had to be Jordan, the teenage lad that has a new lass nearly every night.

"Hi, I'm Jordan," he smiles as he introduces himself to Elizabeth.

"Hi, I'm El," Elizabeth smiles back as they shake hands.

"I've never seen you in this building before," he frowns, "just moved in or visiting someone?"

"She's here with me actually," I tell him as I wrap an arm around her waist pulling her closer to my side.

"There's no way you're 26 too," he laughs as he points half heartedly at Elizabeth.

"No, I'm 18," Elizabeth laughs.

"Mr Knight has himself a young one," he raises his eyebrows as he checks Elizabeth out.

"Keep your eyes of her Jordan," I warn him, "she's mine."

"We'll see about that," he says just as the lift doors open on my level.

Giving him a look of warning me and Elizabeth walk out of the lift with Jordan getting off just after us.

"El if you ever need anything, I'm at apartment 112," Jordan quickly says as we get to my apartment door.

"Erm, thanks," Elizabeth says giving him an unsure smile before looking up at me as I push the apartment door open.

"Ladies first," I smile at her making her laugh before she walks on in looking around as she does before turning to look at me as I shut the door over.

"This is my apartment," I sigh as we both turn to look at it.

"It's a mess," Elizabeth blurts out as she starts laughing and as she looks at me I have a dropped jaw in shock, "sorry but it is," she says trying to hold back her laugh.

"I know," I say hanging my head down in shame.

"Awwww," she says as she gives me a hug, "it'll be tidy soon, I'll help," she giggles as she pats my back before walking into the the living room dropping her bag on the floor next to her feet when she sits down on the couch in front of loads of CD's and DVD's.

Picking a few of them up and looking through them she looks about and sees the CD rack that goes down the side of this huge cabinet attached to the living room wall where my TV is placed in the middle off.

"Keep all these CD's right?" She asks me as she stands up looking at me.

"Yeah," I frown.

Getting all the CD's she places them all down in piles on the cabinet.

"What are you doing?" I ask her as I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist resting my chin on her shoulder.

"I am tidying this place up," she tells me.

And when I look at what she's doing with the CD's I see she's putting them on its top to bottom in alphabetical order.

"I didn't bring you around here to tidy my apartment up Elizabeth," I chuckle.

"I know," she shrugs.

"So why are you doing it?" I frown before she sighs.

"I can't stand mess," she tells me, "it's only when it comes to someone's home or office or somewhere where it needs to be tidy."

"You're a neat freak then," I tease her.

"No," she gasps as she turns around in my arms to face me, "I don't mind mess that's intentional like Art work sometimes," she explains.

"So is your handwriting intentionally a mess then," I frown as I mess about.

"My hand writing is so not messy," she scoffs, "I know that it's neat," she smirks.

"Shut up," I scoff before I smash my lips into hers both of us laughing a little into the kiss.

"Right come on, get things put away, we'll be done in an hour if we make a start now," she tells me before turning around to do the CD's again.

"I can't believe we're doing this now," I shake my head.

"Quit complaining," she giggles.

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