Chapter 31

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Elizabeth's POV

I'm panicking. I'm panicking, I'm panicking, I'm panicking.

It's Sunday which means I'm meeting Danny's parents today, yep you heard me right, I'm meeting his parents today!

I know I told him I want to meet his parents and I do, but now it's the day to meet them I'm so nervous!

I'm all ready and waiting for Danny to text me to go out to his car but the more I wait the more nervous I feel. I don't know if I should change, I don't know if what I'm wearing looks ok.

Just then my phone vibrates in my pocket taking it out I look at the message.

I'm here :* xxx-Danny

"Great," I mutter to myself as I grab my jacket and put it on as I make my way out of my bedroom and downstairs.

"Where are you going?" My Mam asks as I open the front door.

"I'm going out," I tell her.

"Who with? That man that picks you up all the time? Who is he?" She asks all in one.

"Yes with that man," I sigh, "I've got to go," I tell her as I go to leave only she grabs my wrist stopping me in my tracks.

"Who is he El? Tell me who he is! Who is he?" She shouts at me.

"He's my boyfriend," I quickly say.

"You have a boyfriend?" She scoffs.

"Yeah I do," I scoff back.

"Wait until your father finds out," she laughs, "he's going to hurt you," she says chuckling.

Frowning I walk out of the house shutting the door behind me and make my way over to Danny's car and I get in.

"Hey," he smiles as I shut the car door and put my belt on.

"Hey," I smile back as he begins to drive.

"Are you ok?" He frowns.

"I'm fine," I smile, "just a little nervous about meeting your parents."

"Everything will be fine," he says taking hold of my hand to reassure me, "they're really nice people and I'm not just saying that because they're my parents," he says making us both laugh.

I know this chapter is pretty crap but it's only there as a filler! :P x

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