Chapter 48

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Elizabeth's POV

New Years Eve has arrived! I'm going out for a few drinks with Jack and Ellie and then Danny is coming to wherever I am in a taxi to pick me up and we're going to be dropped off at one of Danny's friends house who invited us both around the other day.

So I paid from my house to some classy pub in town for a taxi and I met up with Jack and Ellie.

"Hey guys," I smile as I walk over to them.

"Hey," Ellie smiles giving me a hug before taking the liberty of asking for a drink for me even though she doesn't know what I want.

"Hey, wow, you look amazing," Jack says as he looks my body up and down.

"Erm, thanks you look smart," I laugh a little.

"Thanks," he chuckles.

I know I said I'd have a word with Jack about all the flirting the next time I see him but I can't do that today, I mean it's New Years Eve, I don't want to put him in a bad mood.

"So who is more important than me and Ellie that is making you leave us after a few drinks?" Jack raises his eyebrows when Ellie hands me my drink.

"It's not like that," I laugh, "and it's none of your business it's just someone," I shake my head.

"Fair enough," he shrugs, "so what time are you actually leaving?"

"In about an hour, so like 11:00pm," I smile.

"So you're not even going to be here for me to give you a New Years kiss?" He raises his eyebrows looking a little upset about it.

"No, plus I already have someone to kiss on New Years," I smile as I take a sip of my drink.

"Who?" Jack frowns now looking pissed off.

"I'm not saying," I shake my head.

"Are you guys dating or what?" He asks.

"He's actually my boyfriend," I tell him.

I know I said I didn't want to put him in a bad mood but when I said I already had someone to kiss on New Years I didn't mean to actually say it, it just came out, so there was no point in lying when he's asking these questions.

"Your boyfriend? Since when do you have a boyfriend?" He scoffs.

"Let's not talk about this now ok? It's Nee Years Eve, it's suppose to be a happy time," I smile trying to cheer things up.

And from then on Jack was clearly pissed off even though he tried to hide it.


Texting Danny to tell him where I am after he text me asking where I was I began to drink the rest of my drink.

"Why you drinking that so fast?" Jack frowns.

"I've called a taxi, so I'm going to go wait outside it'll be here in a minute," I tell him as I stand up and put my black blazer on to secure a bit of warmth before going out into the freezing cold.

"I'll walk you out," Jack tells me as he also stands up.

"Bye Ellie," I smile as I give her a hug.

"Bye I'll see you in the New Year," she smiles before I make y say outside with Jack following beside me.

Standing outside waiting for Danny to arrive in the taxi me and Jack stand there in silence but he looks as if he's having a mental argument with himself.

Ignoring it thinking nothing of it, the next thing I know he crashes his lips into mine in pure hunger. Once I realised what was happening I slammed my hands into his chest pushing him away from me and slapping him across the face.

"El I'm so sorry," he apologises.

"Just go back inside," I raise my voice.


"But nothing Jack, go back inside," I say one last time before he hesitantly walks away leaving me on my own.

However, I'm not stood for much longer as a taxi with Danny sat in the back pulls up in front of me.

Walking over to it I open the door and get in shutting the door as I do.

"Babe you look gorgeous," Danny says as he scans my body up and down biting his lip as he does.

"Thank you," I half smile, "and you look handsome, I've not seen you in a black suit and tie like that."

"Yeah I don't wear it much," he chuckles and when I don't say anything he just looks at me and then frowns, "is everything ok?"

"Y-yeah," I nod giving a fake smile.

"There's something bothering you," he scowls, "I know you well enough to know that."

"Can we not talk about it tonight? I want tonight to be fun and cheery, I don't want to enter the New Year with things booting off, I'll tell you tomorrow I promise," I tell him with a hopeful look.

"If you're sure?" He sighs running a hand through his hair and taking hold of my hand with his other hand.

"Yeah, it'll ruin tonight if I tell you now," I shake my head.

"Ok, we'll just talk about it tomorrow yeah?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah," I nod giving him a thankful smile.


At this party Danny introduced me to all his friends and their partners or whoever and everyone was really nice.

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth!" Danny shouts over at me from his main group of friends as I'm stood talking to their girlfriends, fiancés and wives or whatever.

When I look over at him he waves me over so I excuse myself and then walk over to him.

"What's up?" I smile as I walk over to them with Danny placing arm around my waist.

"It's five minutes till 12 o'clock that's why," he chuckles.

"That time already? Great," I sigh rolling my eyes teasing him and his mates laugh before walking over to their partners.

"Well that was mean," Danny pouts.

"I know but I was only teasing," I giggle.

"I know," he chuckles as he moves so he can put two arms around my waist as he looks down at me smiling, "I've never seen you dressed up like this before," he bites his lip as he brushes a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Well you have now," I smile.

"Yep," he nods with a little chuckle.

"Ten.....Nine," people are already starting to count down for the New Year.

"That was a quick five minutes," I giggle before we both countdown with everyone.

"Happy New Year!" Everyone shouts.

Smiling at one another we both lean in and kiss each other with a smile on our faces.

"Happy New Year," he mutters against my lips.

"Happy New Year," I say back with a smile on my face before Danny leans in and we kiss again.

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