Chapter 55

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My heart sang the tune of Bayne. He relieved my fears, and confessed his shared love. It was liberating to say it out loud, and for him to announce his in return.

"Maybe we should go back upstairs. Get out of this rain?" I suggested. He agreed. We went back inside. Bayne put the umbrella away and we returned to his bed. 

"I want you to feel comfortable talking to me about anything." He laid his head on his pillow. We laid down facing each other. He put an arm around me.

"So you've.. You've had sex before?" I asked.

"Yeah. A few times."

"With just men?"

"Mainly men. I've done it with a woman before. Not really my thing." He explained.

"Who was your first? Is it anyone I know?"

He let out a small laugh.

"Yeah, unfortunately. We were young, about sixteen. He was new to the pack, I don't know. It just kind of happened."

"Who was it?"

"Sirius." He admitted.

My mouth dropped a little. I had never expected that they were lovers with the amount of dislike Bayne had for him.

"I didn't expect that. Is that why you two don't get along too well?"

"No, it's just because he's an ass. Nothing bad happened really. It was only once and we stopped seeing each other. That was years ago."

I felt a little bit unsettled hearing that. I couldn't explain why. Bayne had so much experience, I had essentially none.

"Did you date any of them?" I asked.

"Not really. Nothing serious. What about you?" He asked.

"I just dated someone in middle school. A girl. It didn't feel right, either. In high school, I pretty much kept to myself. I understand what you mean."

It was refreshing to be so open with him.

"I don't want you to feel pressured. You decide when you're ready, you understand?" He began to stroke my hair once more.

"Yes. Thank you."

We kissed once more.

"We should go to sleep. We have a funeral to attend to tomorrow." He said.

He pulled me closer.

"Come here."

"No, let me hold you for a change." I said. He agreed, and crawled into my arms. I reached up and turned the lamp off.


"Yes, Erin?"

"I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight."

Bayne was awake before I was. I could hear him brushing his teeth in the bathroom.

"You're up before me, that's an unusual sight." I said.

"It's going to be a long day. We have a lot to do."

The revelations of last night made me feel lighter. The anxious knot that infested my stomach had been undone. Bayne dressed nicely. It was the same outfit he was put in when we thought we had to bury him. He kept tugging at his neck tie while looking at himself in the mirror.

"This is what Adolpha would want. Me to be irritated by restricting clothes."

I was finishing buttoning up my shirt.

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