Chapter 16

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Mabels POV:

"The town is bigger than expected. And so pretty!"
(Y/N) looked around with big eyes, it made me and Grunkle Ford chuckle.

"Oh and it was just the beginning of our tour!"
I jump to the front while (Y/N) and Grunkle Ford walk slowly behind me.

I have so many places I want to show (Y/N)! And Grunkle Ford nearly never leaves the Shack when he's here, so I've gotta show him alot of stuff too.
And good idea of Grunkle Stan to stay at the Shack with Dipper. Dipper would've ruined our plan! But now I don't have to worry about that. Hopefully Grunkle Ford and (Y/N) won't be mad if they find out about it.

I turn around to look at my Grunkle and (Y/N), they're having a small chat, probably about some adult stuff I wouldn't understand but I don't care. They have to like each other! Both dorky nerds with mysterious backstory! If they won't end up together I don't know. But luckily, I am the master shipper here! So let's do this!

"Hey Mabel, where are we heading next?"
(Y/N) smiled happily at me. Glad she likes it here!

"You'll see (Y/N)!"

It didn't take us long to the next stop at our sightseeing.

"Behold! The town square! The heart if Gravity falls!"
I say enthusiastically while pointing at it.
"Didn't we cross this place, like, four times already?"
(Y/N) scratches her head in confusion.

"Well, theoretically, but we never really interacted with it so here we are"
I walked backwards into the town square while facing a softly smiling Grunkle Ford and a (Y/N) who was gently shaking her head.
"C'mon, what are you waiting for?" I signed them to follow me.

"Here we have the church, over there is the police department and to your left is the town's museum"

"And who is that in the middle? The statue?"
(Y/N) asked while pointing at the big statue.
"Oh this is Nathaniel Northwest, the fake town funder."
"Fake town funder?"
"Well yeah, the government wanted to hide the existence of Quentin Trembley, the 8 1/2 President of the United States"

The question mark on (Y/N)s face grew
"Tremblin? 8 1/2 President?"
"Dipper and I found out last summer and turns out Quentin Trembley was still alive because he encased himself in peanut brittle!"

Grunkle Ford chuckles in approval.
"Yes, I did found a map which was supposed to lead to the secret of the town funder but I never seemed to be able to crack the code. Surprisingly, you needed to be silly to find the way."

"And Quentin Trembley made me a Kongresswoman!"
I added to Grunkle Fords little speech.
"Ah, I think I read something like that in one of the Journals"
(Y/N) nodds understanding.

"Enough of this small talk WHO IS HUNGRY?"
I am STARVING even though we didn't even view the whole town yet. And I am bored and want food.

Besides, this is a great opportunity to bring those oblivious lovebirds closer!

"Well, I suppose we could go and grab something to eat" (Y/N) only nodds in agreement.

If she continues to nodd her head like this, she's gonna damage her brain even more than it already is
A small snicker escapes my mouth. I earn questioning glances from (Y/N) and Grunkle Ford, but they don't ask any questions.

"Race you to Greasy's Diner!" I start running, but stop abpruptly.
"Didn't you forget something?" (Y/N) yells from further away while waving with one of her crutches.

"Sorry (Y/N), I forgot"
"It's alright Mabel, it can happen. Besides, I probably won't beat you, even if I was healthy"

We all walk talking and laughing to Greasy's Diner and take a seat. I sit of course on the opposite to Grunkle Ford and he sits next to (Y/N).

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