Chapter 2

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(Y/N)s POV:

Ugh, why does my head hurts so much? And what happened to my leg? It feels like it's burning...

I wanted to open my eyes to look at my led but then I heard...
I tried to act like I was still sleeping, if I really am being robbed, it would be the best for me.

Wait... Is it just me or is my bed way harder than it was before...
Am I being kidnapped?!

I tried moving my arms and legs a little bit, just so they won't notice

Strange... I can move everything and don't feel chains... But why?

I decided to listen to the voices.
"She's been out for a week, damn is she in a coma or what?"
"Stan,she has a major injury and lost a lot of blood, it's normal that she didn't woke up already"

So, one of them is named Stan, the one with the rusty voice.

"But Grunkle Ford, Who is She?"

A child?!
I didn't think anymore, that I'm being kidnapped, there won't be a child. But what happened? The injury "Ford" is talking about must be my leg, because it hurts very much.

"Mabel, stay back, she could be dangerous" a crackling boys voice said.
I nearly chuckled.

Sure, I am a old woman with a probably big injury and I just woke up from 1 week being unconscious, very dangerous.

I decided to "wake up" because I have a lot of questions I want answered.
"Look, she's waking up" the child named Mabel said.

I looked around.
"Where am I? And what the heck happened? I mean you didn't kidnapped me, there would be chains and no kids, so what am I doing here?" I look at my leg to see it in blood soaked bandages
"And what happened to my leg?"

I look at the two men standing next to me. They look like they're twins, one of them dressed more formally and the other in a sweater and a Trenchcoat -
In the middle of summer.

The one with the sweater got down and looks at me with worry in his face
" You don't remember anything?"
He says. It was Ford, the one with the more smoother voice.

"Well, I only remember going to bed yesterday in my home and today I woke up here."
Ford looks at Stan, probably his brother
"Well, ya see, we found you infront of our Mystery Shack, ya were bleeding pretty bad and ya got shot"


"Anyway, my name is Stanley, the Nerds name is Stanford-"
The girl interrupts Stanley
"Well I'm Mabel and that's my Twin brother Dipper!"

Wow.. She has a lot of enthusiasm in her voice..

"My Name is Y/N L/N.."
I was watching my bandaid again, the blood is still soaking it.
"Can you get me my backpack? I would never go anywhere without it."
I asked the Brothers.

"Uhm sure, here is it"
Stanford handed me my backpack.

Maybe I have something useful with me.. But I'll look at my wound first.

"Hey Kids, who wants to hear a story of you Great Uncle Stan fighting a Monster?"
Stanley looked at the kids curious
Mabel screamed and followed her Great Uncle out of the room. Dipper glanced at me and then followed his sister.

I don't blame him for not trusting me. I mean, I am a complete stranger, I wouldn't trust me either in his place.

I proceeded to remove the bandage
"What on earth are you doing? You will just loose more blood!"
Ford was trying to stop me

"I am a doctor in retirement, I know very well what I am doing"
I said, looking him in the eyes.

"Uhm well, then, sorry?"
He was looking embarrassed. He was letting go of my hands and sat down to watch me.

Wait... Six fingers?

I shook my head

I'll ask him later about that, I gotta take care of my wound first

I removed the bandage only to see a hole in my leg with blood pumping out of it
"That bullet went deep... Must've hit the Artery..."
I mumble to myself. I took my bagpack to look what I got with me.

Narcotics, Sewing tools, clean bandages, a scalpel, Tweezers, a lot of Painkillers and Syringes?! What on Earth was I doing here?

"Seems like I have everything to operate myself..." I placed everything I would need next to me and then went on making a Syringe ready to numb my leg
"O-operate?! You shouldn't do that yourself! And did you ever do that?"
Stanford was pretty worried

"not on a real person, I worked in the neurology"
"then you shouldn't do that"
He again tried to stop me. I looked him dead in the eye.

"What would you like, me operating myself and probably saving my live, or leaving the wound like this and dying because of blood loss or an infection."
He stared at me for some seconds, then retreaded.

"Fine, then operate yourself.."
Stanford sighted and sat down to watch.
I give myself the syringe with the narcotics and wait until it numbs my leg.

Fords POV

It was kind of fascinating to watch (Y/N) operating herself. It seems like her leg got numb, she takes her scalpel and makes the hole bigger.

What she must've thought when she woke up here? I mean, she only remembers being at home, not breaking down infront of my house. She seemed very calm, not what someone would expect...

"Ha! I got it!"

(Y/N) interrupted my thoughts.
When I looked in her direction, I saw her holding a tweezer with a bullet.
She putted it a way and took her sewing materials.

Why would she have operating stuff with her? Whatever she wanted here, she knew it would be dangerous.

I risked a look at her wound she was trying to fix.
"That's very deep..."
I was able to see her artery, (Y/N) was fixing it.

"Yeah, I can be lucky to be still alive, the bullet hitted my Artery pretty badly, I must've lost over 2 l blood. Without you I would've died."
She mumbled, completely focusing on her work.

"so, now I only have to close the wound, could you get me a glass water Stanford?"

"Please call me Ford"
I stood up to get some water. Outside of my room I saw Stanley waiting with the kids.

"How is she doin' Poindexter?"
"She only needs to close her wound and bandage it, I was on my way to get her some water"

I went to the kitchen to get a glass water and made my way to my room as I saw outside two men standing around Y/Ns Blood. They looked like the government guys from last year when I came back.
I went to (Y/N) to give her the water.

"Thanks Ford"
She took a sip
"I am done, I only need to bandage my leg."

She took some bandage material from her bagpack and went to work.

" Looking at my injury, it will need Atleast  a month until I am able to leave... And I for sure shouldnt leave before I got my memories back... Huge blood loss can cause amnesia.. "

" Could - Could it be that guys from the Government shot you?"

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