Chapter 17

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Fords POV:

I rushed to (Y/N) and could barely catch her before she hit the ground.
I don't even know why she got unconscious, this is not a side effect the memory gun has!

Why did she do that?! She knew it would be dangerous, especially with her already damaged memory! Hopefully she wakes up and didn't forget me...
I MEAN anything

After what felt like a eternity I saw (Y/N)s eyes twitch and her head moving.
"(Y/N)! Are you okay?"
I shaked her and she seemed to slowly wake up.

".. Wh- what...?"
"(Y/N) I told you that you shouldn't do that! Why did you use the memory gun on yourself!"

"What?? Who even are you??"

The world stopped for a moment.

I couldn't believe it.

Did she... Forget me?


I stared helplessly at her, trying to figure out what to do. Tears started to blur my vision.

I didn't knew her for long, but yet it was like I knew her my whole life.

And now she forgot everything?

I just couldn't believe it.

(Y/N)s POV:

I watched with horror as the man infront of me starts to cry.

"No no no don't cry, Stanford look at me, Im just kidding of course I remember everything I was just kidding, I'm sorry please don't cry please don't cry please don't cry"

I hug him tightly and bury my head in his neck.

I remember everything. Even though I used the memory gun on myself. I mean it's not like I inented to forget everything, only one small thing. But it still could've had a huge effect on all of my memories.

And I had the brilliant idea, directly after I woke up, to prank Stanford.
The one who has severe trauma and probably anxiety, trust- and attachment issues. He probably hates me now, since this was seriously cruel.

Definitely not the best prank I've ever pulled.

I feel Ford tightening the hug.
"Never do that again you hear? You worried me sick!"

Do I... Mean so much to him...?

"Sorry, it was really dumb of me to do that" I mumble, feeling bad.
"What, the prank? Or that you shot yourself with the memory gun?"


We continue to sit and hug like that for what feels like hours. But probably just a few minutes until both of us calmed down.

"Well... How did the experiment go...? Did the Memory gun work? To maybe some  extend?"
Stanford asks me as we walk back to his room.
"When I say I remember everything I mean everything."
My voice had a bitter tone I tried to hide.

"Did you want to forget something? It sounds like you hoped for it... "
"Yeah... I don't know... It's... It's kind of complicated y'know?"

We continue our way to the room rather quiet. And I don't know if I should be happy or not about not forgetting...

As we walk inside his room, I look at him. I don't feel calm and - well- good enough to sleep.
I sit down on the bed, then lay down to stare at the ceiling, ignoring the sharp pain in my leg.

Should I ask him? No... It wouldn't be the best thing to do, especially now... But like... I don't know...

I feel a weight on the bed and turn my head to Stanford, who sits now next to me, a book in his hand.

"Yes (Y/N)?"

"I- can we.. I mean-"
I can't...
I cleared my throat. "Are... we still going shopping tomorrow?"
"Sure, but only if Mabel and Dipper are allowed to pick you an outfit"
Turning his head to look at me, he chuckled.


I went back to staring at the ceiling. Not what I wanted to ask but hey, I'll be Alright.

"Are you alright?"
Ford asked without looking up from his book.

If I didn't know better, I would say that this man can read minds.

"Yeah, sure"
I say in a more monotone voice, zoning out.
"And I am supposed to believe you?"

I pull myself back to reality, shaking my head slightly.
"Yes? Why wouldn't you?"
"Because I can see that you are, in fact, not alright?"
"Don't worry about it Stanford, I'm alright, really."

Silence. I continue staring at the ceiling while Stanford reads his book. Okay, I don't think he's reading it, I can't hear him turning the pages.

We stay like that for probably, I don't know, ten minutes? I'm not sure though.

" Do you wanna cuddle? "
I sit up abruptly, processing what he said.

I swear to got this man does read minds!

"Only if you want to of course! I just thought, maybe, because you, erm, seem sad and stuff, maybe it would help, I don't know, you don't have to if you don't want to and-"

Ford looks at me with a confused face, as if he doesn't believe what I said.

Damnit, what do I say! Did I sound as if I didn't want to? Did I make him feel like a burden? What do I say! What if I make this situation just worse?

"I uhm would like to cuddle with you, yeah"
I say with a nervous smile, not knowing what else to do.

His eyes widen and his face shines in a bright red.

"OH! Okay, uhm would you, maybe, scoot over so I can fit there too?"
He puts his book on the desk next to the bed and came closer to me.
"Right, yeah, sorry" I look away and make space for him.
He lays down next to me and I put my head on his chest. As I got comfortable he wraps his arm around me and takes his book again.

"Are you comfortable?" He asked me, a nervous tone in his voice he tried to hide.
"Yeah, I am" I answer, just as nervous as he is.
I honestly don't even want to know how red I am..

WHY AM I LIKE THISSSS omg I feel like a teenager again and I do. Not. Like. This!
But he is so soft...
NO! No, no. He is a literal STRANGER!!
Get yourself together (Y/N), you can't have such feelings for someone you don't even know... Besides his whole backstory. But maybe he feels like this too...
I SWEAR IF I DON'T STOP...! With his backstory I doubt he would fall for anyone, especially that fast. He is probably just trying to be nice and I am just assuming...

Even with that hurricane of thoughts in my head I fell asleep pretty fast while listening to his heartbeat.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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