Chapter 13

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Fords POV:

"no.. This can't be.."
I sat down on the floor. This was just too much for me. We never had a chance in the first place! He was meant to come back!

(Y/N) sat down next to me.
"Hey...this time, he won't stand a chance against us. Like, this time there isn't a Portal or something that could help him, is it?"

"Yeah, you're right... But we still have to be aware of what he does, one little mistake and Weirdmaggedon is back."

I stood back up. "We've gotta tell the others. C'mon" I went out of my lab, risking a last look at the Portal I made. It's now nearly completely destroyed, I only need to get rid of the metal. There's no chance for Bill to repare it.

Me and (Y/N) made our way up to tell the others what we found out. But it felt like something was off with (Y/N). She was holding her head as if it hurts.. Maybe her memories are coming back.

"Hey, (Y/N), are you okay? You seem off"

"Yeah I'm fine.. My headache is just getting worse. But it'll be alright, I'll just take some pills. Don't worry about it"

I didn't push her to tell me but I think that isn't the whole truth.

(Y/N)s POV:

Urgh... The headache is worse than ever! But I don't want anyone to worry, especially when this Cipher guy is here. And he has something to do with my amnesia, I know it! But then I can't tell the others... I mean, I could be dangerous after all! And I don't think that Cipher gave me amnesia for nothing...

Me and the Pines family sat down and talked about what we saw down in Fords lab. I was holding my leg, I was using it way too much even though I am only here for a couple of days. Hopefully I ain't using it too much.

Stan pulled me out of my thoughts. "What! So I just let you destroy my mind for nothing?! Yer must be kidding me Sixer!!"

I sighted. This Family went through very bad stuff and maybe have to go through it again. And they had only a year to recover. A Year! I really wanna know why I came here. I mean, the Dorito appeared when I arrived, so it has to got something to do with me.

Dipper and Mabel where awfully quiet, it was obvious that they are shocked with the thought that the guy who tortured them is back. They're 13 ,it must be way too much for them.

"Focus, we need a plan. After Weirdmaggedon, I took the Protection of the  Mystery Shack down be use I didn't thought we'll need it. So we need to Billproof the Shack again. Means we need Unicorn hair again. Mabel..? Could you..?"

Ford looked at Mabel. She had a Face as if she got a flashback of unpleasant memories.

" Okay Grunkle Ford, guess Celestabellebethabelle gets a visit from old friends. I've got to get the girls together! "

She ran of but came back." Whoops, forgot my Crossbow!"
I was watching in confusion as Mabel took a Crossbow and ran away.

What does she need a Crossbow for? She's encountering a Unicorn and not some sort of Monster. Maybe I missed the Unicorn page in the Journals... I mean I didn't come further than that one eyed Dorito Cipher.

"Is there something I could do to help?"
I looked hopeful into Fords direction.

"Well, I wouldn't say its helpful, but in case Mabel won't succeed in getting Unicorn Hair, we need to Billproof our minds. Dipper, you come with us. Last time we had... a small incident so we need to Billproof your Mind again."

Dipper looked embarrassed to the ground. Stan stood up and slamming his hands onto the table.
" What about me?! Do ya think I wanna let this Tryangle guy into ma Head again? "

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