Chapter 1

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So this is my first story I made, so don't judge me too hard please. And I wanna add that English ain't my first language, so sorry for possible mistakes. I hope you will enjoy reading.

Fords POV:

I'm lying in my bed, still sleepy. How much have I slept? 3 hours? 4 hours? I look at the clock, only to see that it is already 9 pm.

"What!! Already!?"
I never sleep that long. 8 Hours!
I jump out of bed and dressed myself quickly.
I will never get that time back. I just waisted hours on sleep, where I could've instead do more research or... or...

I run out of my room, grabbing Journal 4 on which I am currently working on, and storm into the kitchen.

"Morning!" I yell to my family, Stanley, Dipper and Mabel.

The kids are here for summer break, they arrived just yesterday. After what happened last year, Weirdmaggedon etc. I hope that this summer will be a little more calm.

I grab a toast, put it in my mouth and run out of the kitchen into my lab to get some stuff. Behind me I hear the kids mumbling

"Good morning grunkle Ford..."
but Stanley graps me by my shoulder, causing me to stop.

"where do you think you are going? Won't you eat with us?" he asks in a grumpy way.

"You know Stan, I would but I slept in and I have som-" I tried to explain myself but Stanley cut me off.

"You didn't slept in Sixer, your sleep schedule is going back to normal. Was about time. And you have the whole day for your science stuff, so come to the kitchen and eat with us"

"fine" I mumbled, knowing that he won't stop bothering me if I say otherwise.

Both of us are going to the kitchen. Okay my Twinbrother Stanley was walking, I was pushed into the kitchen by him,probably to avoid me to run off.

"GRUNKLE FORD! YOU ARE BACK! I THOUGH YOU WOULDN'T EAT BREAKFAST WITH US! I was already sad!" Mabel hugged me tight. I hugged back.

"It's your first day back here for summer, and you think I wouldn't eat breakfast with you?" I said giggling, looking at Stan. He looked at me with a You-better-don't-hurt-her- Face.

I sat down to eat my Toast and some scrambled eggs Mabel gave me
"I made them just for you!" she claimed happily. I look at them.

Is that glitter? Oh boy, I hope I won't die from that

"Looks.. delicious sweety" I say, trying to sound happy and not nervous. I eat a fork full of it and... It tastes surprisingly delicious!
"good job Mabel, it tastes just delicious!" Dipper and Stan look at me, not believing what I just said.

"Uhm... Grunkle Stan, Great Uncle Ford?"
Dipper asks nervously.
"Yeah?" Stan and me answer at the same time.
"You two were over the year sailing to...uncover some abnormalies... Would you mind telling us some stories..?"

Stan chuckles
"This evening kid okay? I think a certain someone-" he glances at me while I try to finish my plate as quick as I can "wants to do some of his stuff"

Mabel and Dipper are looking disappointed at me
"sorry kids, but we will tell you some in the evening, I promise" I say while getting up. I really lost enough time... I've gotta hurry

"So, I'll be back soon, I just wanna look after something" I walk out of the kitchen into my lab to get a gun and my electric gloves. I run out of the Mystery Shack into the woods.

But after only some footsteps I trip over something and fall.
"Ouch...! What the?"I look behind me only to find a...


I stumble to her. She is bleeding pretty hard. Only then I notice that it was her leg where she got... Shot?!
I run to the Shack.

" W-what?" he looks at me, very confused.
" NOW, THERE IS SOMEONE BLEEDING OUTSIDE!" I run outside to the Woman.

She has (h/l), (h/c) hair, with some Grey streaks in it. I guess she is as old as Stanley and I are.

Stanley has finally reached me.

"I know, hand me the bandages and get some water please." While I take care of the strange woman, only one though trailed through my mind.

This Summer won't be calm...

Sup readers, I hope you liked this chapter. I will try my best to continue this story as soon as possible.

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