Chapter 10

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(Y/N)s POV:

As I opened my eyes, I saw a worried Face above me. It was Stanford. I saw him now mostly worried. I felt bad that I make him worry so much.

"(Y/N), are you okay? You seemed to have a nightmare."
I sat up, my headache got worse while I slept.

Strange... Normally sleep helps with a headache and lucid dreaming never gives pain to the body.. Maybe I fell on my head as I got shot and have a injury...

" How'd you notice that I had a bad dream? "
He gave me a glass of water.

"you were sweating, were moving a lot and you talked something about 'Doritos' and 'Chili Doritos'?"
I shouldn't tell him that it was a strange dream Demon which wanted to make a deal with me, I worry him already enough.

"Well actually it was only one Dorito but... It was just a stupid dream, right?"
I looked him in the eyes and I couldn't shake off the feeling that he has a clue what was in my nightmare.

"Besides, i just had my dream under control and could've done I don't know what, but you had to wake me up and not let me enjoy my lucid dream."
I made a fake pouty face and acted like I was mad at him.
We both had to laugh.

"Yeah, sorry my highness, I apparently can't look into your heads nor into your dreams and so I tried to save you from that demonic Dorito."
He made a small bow and we had to laugh more.

After a minute we calmed down.
"Well, I know what it means to have nightmares so, sorry. It's just, I have slot of them since -"

"-You know who betrayed you? Understandable."
I looked into the direction of a bookshelf. Maybe his Journals would help me. But I can't just ask him. I'll have to wait for the right moment.

" Hey, how late is it?"
My eyes wander around Fords room to search for a clock. I wanted to know how much I've slept.

"4 pm, why? I think you got enough rest for now."

And I slept too much, at least in my view. On the other site, I have the feeling that I just stumbled into a problem with that Bill Cipher.

"Hey, uhm I don't really feel like getting up and I think my brain didn't progress everything of your story, can I, maybe, you know, read your journals..? I mean it all sounds very interesting and stuff and I want to get to know the town better.."

I expected Ford to say no. I mean, why would he let me, a completely stranger, read his precious research? He doesn't even know me, he could think that I want to use the knowledge for evil stuff.

" Sure, I'll get them for you. But only three, I am currently working on the fourth one."
He got up to get the books, leaving me completely paralyzed.

He said yes..? I thought he is more cautious who to trust after you know who betrayed him. Maybe he tries something, like a experiment. I hope I'm not dangerous after all... Like, why is the government after me?
Maybe I'm overthinking stuff, they probably just thought I was someone else or something...

Fords POV:

It may not be the best idea, but I have to try. Only then I'll know if she is dangerous.

I knew Dipper has the books, he uses them to write his own Journal. I searched in the whole shack, only to find him outside.

"Hey dipper, can I steal my books for a while?"
He turned around to see me. He seems confused.

"Yeah, sure Great uncle Ford. For what do you need them?"
"Oh, I just-"
Dipper eyed me sceptical.

"You want to give them (Y/N), don't you. Well I don't think this is a great idea great uncle Ford, I still don't trust her."
He now completely stood up.

"Trust me Dipper, I've got everything under control."
I wanted to grap the journal he was holding but my great nephew backed away. I sighed.

"Okay, I'll explain you my plan. I've got a camera in my room, for... Safety reasons. And if (Y/N) is searching for something, we can see it. We can see what she looks at and what she interests more than other stuff. I want to find out if she really has no clue about the beings in Gravity Falls."

Dippers eyes widened. I already knew what he would ask next.

" Can I come with you? "
" Yeah, sure, just don't come with me in the room to give her the Journals, she'll know something's fishy."
He gave me my three Journals and we made our way inside the mystery shack.

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