Chapter 12

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(Y/N)s POV:

"him..? Who do you mean?"
I placed the book, still open, on the bed.

Ford pointed at the Book.
"Why do you know Bill Cipher"
I needed a second to connect the dots in my head.

Oh my....
That Dream Demon is you know who! But... Didn't they erase him from existence? That doesn't make sense..

"Oh, that Dorito guy? Don't worry, I'm not on his side and I would never change to his side, I'm not dumb."

The pines Family Still doesn't believe me, but after what Bill has done I wouldn't trust someone either who knows him. But the three guys infront of me also have some curiosity in their eyes.
I sighed.

" Well Ford, the nightmare I had today... Apparently this Guy wanted to give me a nightmare. And he would've succeeded if I didn't noticed that this was only a dream. That Demon seemed familiar to me and he said that I should remember him, that I'm his friend. But I didn't believe him, I mean, why would he give me a nightmare if we're friends?
So he tried to make a deal with me, but I knew I couldn't trust him and erased him from my mind. "

" he's... Back? But- but this isn't possible! Why.. How... "

Same. It isn't possible! Okay. Let's rethink this whole thing. What did Stanford say? Erased his mind with a memory gun... Then Stanley regained his Memory... While he died, that Cipher guy just said nonsense...

" Wait! I think I have an idea! "
I jumped up from the bed and would've gave the floor a big hug if Stanley weren't fast enough to catch me.

"An idea? (Y/N), what are you talking about?"
I saw in Fords eyes.. Hopelessness?
They can't go through the same again, I have to help them

"do you still got the memory of Stan? We gotta watch it."

Ford got up and led me to the living room, where he pulled out a memory gun.

"didn't Mabel destroyed it?"
I managed to say, before I got a huge headache.

Flashback (Y/N)

I didnt know where I'm heading, I just knew that these agents can't get me. I didn't even knew why they wanted me! They just said something about experiments..?

I suddenly heard shots! Did they wanted to kill me? Then a flashing pain in my leg and I fell to the ground. They got me!

I was trying to get somehow up, I had to flee! I saw that I was infront of a house, maybe the people living there heard the shots and would help me! But the Agents must've thought the same, they pulled out a weird looking gun and shot me with it, but nothing happened, other than a blue light shooting at me.

They left, thinking I was dead, probably. So I lied there for some minutes, then I saw a shadow, formed like a triangle. Then I blacked out.

(Y/N)s POV:

I shook my head. I can't use the memories now! I firstly need to help Ford find out how it is possible that Bill is back.

"Are you okay? You seem absent"
He noticed that I wasn't here for a moment, great.

"no it's, it's fine. Just a headache. Anyways, we need to play it, do you got a device for that?"

"Actually, yes, it's in my Labour, let's go"
He helped me walk to the gift shop of the mystery shack, where we stood infront of a snack machine. I began to wonder if Stanford lost his mind or if he just wants a snack, but then he pushed something on a clock I didn't noticed before and the snack machine began to move.

I whispered, following Ford into an elevator.

Soon we entered his lab. I couldn't close my mouth, I was so amazed from everything. Ford led me to something looking like a TV, he put the memory inside and pressed play.

"can you go forward where Bill is in stans mind?"
I stared at the display.

"I'm on it"
Now we could see the 'death' of Bill cipher. Even though he's back. Yay.
That Demon only screamed nonsense stuff, then Stan punched him and destroyed him like that.

The nonsense sounds strange... I think I am right with my theory..

"can you play it backwards?"
I could literally hear Fords mind getting what I meant, what my idea was.

So he played it backwards.
"oh my... How..."
Ford was speechless. And so was I.

"A X O L O T L, my time has come to burn, I invoke the ancient power that I may return in this Universe!"

Ford and I were just staring at each other. Completely speechless.

"He never was completely gone.."

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