Chapter 14

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Fords POV:

"W-what happened..?"

(Y/N) woke up, she were unconscious, but this time not for long.

"You kind of passed out. You need to rest."
I looked at Dipper, who also was in my room.

After (Y/N) passed out, I carried her in here and Dipper and me talked about what happened.

"But what caused my unconsciousness?"

I turn around to face her. She has a confused look on her face.

"Well, it's kinda... Hard to explain?"
Dipper stated. It really was hard to explain.

"Uhm.. Before you passed out, your thoughts constantly said something like 'get out of my head', then your eyes were glowing black..? And a (f/c) forcefield...? Seemed to came out of the middle of your head and destroyed my machine... While that progress you must've blacked out... "

Her eyes widened in pure shock and she locked them with mine with unbelieve sparkling in their core. But my seriousness must have convinced her that this actually happened.

" But how... Wh- uhh... How..?! "
She now stared at the bed she was lying in to progress what I told her.

"Me and Grunkle Ford already talked about it but we both didn't found a reason for why you could be able to do... Something like that."

Now she looked at her hands, probably still questioning how she is possible to do something paranormal.

"This doesn't make sense... I am a normal Human being... Or am I..?"
Out of nowhere her eyes widened, as if she realized something.

"I forgot to tell you guys something."

What could she possibly mean? Does she know why she is able to do something paranormal?

"what is it (Y/N)?"
I  sounded more curious than I wanted to. Dipper came closer to (Y/N) to not miss a singe detail of what she is about to tell us.

"Well, I remember something."

That was not what I was expecting, but it still is important. Maybe it'll help with her new found... Powers...

"I remember running away from two agents from the government. I didn't knew what they wanted to do to me, kill me or running experiments on me. As I was running, they tried to shoot me. One shot my leg"

She rubbed the bandaged wound on her leg, deep in thoughts.

"I was lying on the ground, trying to crawl away from the agents. I was right infront of your shack by then, I hoped that you guys heard something and would go and take a look at what was happening. The Agents must've thought the same. One of them took out a weird looking gun. It looked exactly like the memory gun in the living room. He shot my head with it, I saw blue light and thought that I was dying. When the blue light was gone, I still was alive. I acted dead, so the Agents would leave me alone. I heard them walking away. But then I saw a tryangle shaped shadow in the ground and some weird feeling in my mind. Then I blacked out. "

" Wh- wh-... "
Dipper was completely speechless. Understandable.

" Do you think...?"
(Y/N) just nodded. But this didn't make sense, why would Cipher erase her mind?

" Wait... If the Agents shot me with a memory gun... Why did I have all of my memories afterwards? And just lost them when Cipher erased them..?"

My eyes widened in shock. That was impossible! She can regain them but she can't keep them. And how is she able to regain her memories if Bill erased them?

" I've got an idea for an experiment. There's only one way to find out if my theory is right."

Please don't say what I think you will. This is not a good idea and highly dangerous.

"Shoot me with the memory gun."

(Y/N)s POV:

"No! This is very dangerous! What if you loose your memories? What if you forget what you did? What if you forget me-"
Ford sucked in breath while starting to blush and stared in shock at me to see if I realized what he said.
"Ahem, I-I mean us, what if you forget us (Pines family)? What if you forget your just regained memories?"

I just sighed, I ignored the warmth on my cheeks which formed after Ford stumbled over his words.

"Yes, there is a risk, but don't you wanna find out too? C'mon, I know you're curious"

I saw Ford nearly giving in. But then he stood up.
"No, it's too dangerous. You need to rest now. I have to check if I can repair the machine. And Mabel should be back soon."

Then he left, pulling Dipper with him. I might just halluzinate, but I think I saw a glimpse of pain in Fords face. And Dipper looked at me with a sad and sorry face. I smiled reassuring at him to convince him im alright.

But as soon as the door closed, I let my thoughts wander.

Great, now Ford is mad at you! Just because you couldn't hold yourself? Did you forget his Backstory? With Fiddleford? You do remember that Fiddleford shot himself with the memory gun until he lost his sanity! And he did that to forget the dangerous project with the portal! And who made the project? Exactly, Ford! So, Ford blames himself for Fiddlefords previous insanity! Means, you just gave Ford heavy ptsd! Because of you he is worried about you! He probably oveethinks right now, has a pabick attack, fears of history repeating! And that because of you! It's your fault!
It's your fault!
It's your fault!
It's your fault!

"Okay, okay I get It damnit, it's my fault. Now shut up. But... There isn't a different way to find out... So I've gotta do it. I mean, Ford doesn't need to know about that, right?"

Yeah, and then you end up actually erasing your mind, Ford blames himself again and you aren't really there to cheer him up. Great idea, really!

"I don't have to forget myself, do I? I can put the settings on something I wanted to forget anyways. If I don't forget it, we know more. And when I forget it, good for me, then we have clarity and I ain't haunted by something negative in my life."

What if Ford catches you? He will try to stop you! He's worried about you and just wants to protect you! Why don't you just listen to him?

"Okay, why the heck would he care so much about me, putting his ptsd aside. And why would I care about his worries? I am a grown woman, I don't need to listen to anyone. Besides, I only know him for like two days or something, so why should I care?"

He has a crush on you dumbass. Seriously, how oblivious are you? Being worried about you forgetting him, him blushing as he realized what he said, stumbling over his words, it's obvious!

"I am not more oblivious as you, you are my thoughts. Hopefully no one's listening to me, they would think I'm crazy. Okay, okay, continuing, why would I care about his feelings? I mean, I only know him for two days or what? So why should I care?"

Are you really asking you that
Come on its so obvious! You must be in a denying stage. Let's make it more clear: you blushed at his words saying he doesn't want you to forget him, your reaction as Stan said 'Lovebirds' to you two, your stuttering when you fell and Stanford helped you? Do you notice now or do i have to make it even more clear?

"You're kidding! I know him for only a couple days, it's impossible that I... No that's ridiculous! I- I should probably head to bed, maybe then you will shut up."

I made myself comfortable in Fords bed, trying to fokus on my breathing instead on ym thoughts. They are saying complete nonsense. I mean after all...

I can't be falling for him.

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