Whos that?(karlnapity)

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A/n: guys I'm brain dead ;-;


Quackitys now dead ex hunband schlatt, seemed to have left something important behind. Quackity could either take responsibility, or abandon it.

Word count: 836

Quackity had a problem. As he paced the house, back and forth, he became more anxious and worried. What am I gonna do? I can't just leave him... just as he thought this, his fianés came home.

"Oh-! Uh- hey guys! I- I was uh- I just- I need to go!" Quackity said, seemingly panicked. He rushed out the front door only to come back a few seconds later. "Aha- my- the keys!" He grabbed the car keys and left.

"What just happened-?" Sapnap said with a nervous laugh.

"I have no idea." Karl stated.

When Quackity got to Schlatts old office, he went inside immediately, somehow forgetting about the trauma caused in there. He ran in and closed the door frantically, if you didn't know what was happening, you'd think he was about to be murdered.

"Quack quack!" Someone yelled out. It was soft, quiet and high pitched, but Quackity recognized it instantly.

"Hey there, my little bee boy! How ya doing?" He said nervously, smiling in order to hide his discomfort.

"Where's papa?" The little boy asked.

"Oh Tubbo, i thought we talked about this..." Quackity said with a sad tone. Schlatt may not have been the best parent, but he cared about Tubbo more than anything. Not to mention the love Tubbo had for his father.

"He can't be gone though... it- it-'it's not f-fair!" The little boy said, breaking down. Quackity rushed to the little boy, sweeping him up in a hug and whispering words of encouragement.

He immediately knew what he was going to do. "How about we go back to my place, yeah?" He said.


You see, Quackity already had custody of Tubbo, Schlatt being his ex husband. Quackity was the only family Tubbo had now. He was considering putting Tubbo up for adoption, but it never say right with him. He knew he didn't want to trust anyone with his boy.

Tubbo grabbed the collar of Quackitys shirt, falling asleep. "Thank you papa..." he said sleepily. Quackitys heart almost melted.

There was still one thing wrong though. What will Sapnap and Karl do? His fiancés never mentioned wanting kids, but they also never said they hated the idea. Quackity decided to think about it later. Right now, all he was worried about was the sleeping child in his arms.

When he got home, he realized that he left the car at Schlatts office, too caught up to remember it. I'll get it tomorrow. He opened the door to the house slowly, it creaked making him cringe, praying it wouldn't wake anyone. It was late, his lovers should already be asleep, as they usually are at this time. But when Quackity flipped the lights on, he realized he had thought wrong. Karl and Sapnap were there, waiting for him.

"Where have you-" Karl started, but was quickly shushed by Quackity. Quackity pointed to Tubbo, still sound asleep.

He walked to the bedroom and laid the sleeping boy on the bed, kissing him on his forehead before going back to the living room and facing his lovers.

"Alright, what the hell is going on?" Sapnap said.

"We've been worried all day, it's so late Q." Karl added.

"I know, I'm sorry I-" Quackity began. He didn't have the words to tell them. "I've been in Schlatts office. I ran there to clear my head because I know that until there's a new president, I'm the only one allowed in there."

"That doesn't explain why you have a kid with you, Q." Sapnap stated.

"He's Schlatts son, but since Schlatt died, I was given full custody. I'm his only family now. I had him staying with Phil for a bit until I could work things out, but Phil left him in Schlatts office without telling me.. I had to take him home, he's my son guys... I'm sorry.." Quackity said, holding back tears.

"Oh, Q.. we aren't mad, we were just confused. Thank you for explaining." Karl said softly, embracing his nearly-crying fiancé in a hug.

"You're not gonna kick me out? I thought you guys didn't want kids..." Quackity said, tensing up at his touch.

"When did we ever say that?" Sapnap said with a chuckle.

"I-I just assumed because you guys had never mentioned wanting kids and-" he was talking faster than his brain was thinking at this point, using words that didn't fit to fill holes. He stopped, realizing what he was doing and burring his head in the crook of the taller boys neck.

Karl put a hand on Quackitys head and smiled softly, while Sapnap came and joined the hug. "We love you. Nothing can ever change that."

They heard some footsteps and turned to see Tubbo standing in the hallway. "Papa?"

Quackity gave a smile and kneeled down. "Hey son..."

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