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In which Karl gets back from the in between with a few more problems than usual.

Karl had been time traveling left and right, anywhere the In Between would send him. It wasn't his fault, he didn't have any control over it. But he still felt bad.

At first it was the little things, not remembering what day it was, being skeptical about whether he was dreaming or not, becoming exhaustingly paranoid for no reason. It was torture.

His memory was getting worse, too. He forgot his own age, didn't remember where he lived and got lost multiple times. His fiancés were becoming worried.

A few days later, Karl was sent to time travel again, but this time was different. He didn't actually go to a different time, at least not one he could remember. Once he got to the In Between, he forgot everything that had happened wherever he traveled.

He stayed in the In Between for a long time, exploring and trying to figure out what happened; what went wrong? Then he was sent home, suddenly and with no warning.

He landed in his old library, the one he tore down and moved. But he didn't remember that. In fact, he could barely remember anything. The last thing he remembered was watching a movie with Sapnap the day Schlatt died whilst Quackity was grabbing his stuff to move in.

Karl walked home, but found it completely destroyed. Exploded, actually. Then he saw it... L'manburg...

"What happened here?!" He yelled out. He fell to his knees. He was so confused. What did he not remember?

Sapnap rushed over to his confused lover. "Hey, where have you been these past few days? What happened?"

"W-what happened to L'manburg..?" Karl choked out.

"Wha- Karl what are you talking about?"

"I-it's was right here! It-"

"You were time traveling again, weren't you? How much do you remember? Do you-"

"I never told you about that! H-how do you know?" Karl's head was spinning, he didn't understand.

"So you don't remember telling me.. that was like, a year ago that you told me.. oh shit-"

After about twenty minutes of talking they discovered that Karl had no memory of the past year. Nothing.

Sapnap was heartbroken; The past year had been the best of their lives. They started a nation, they added a new lover to the mix who they lived with all their heart, they became closer than ever...

And now it was gone...

As Sapnap and Karl walked home, Sapnap had forgot to mention Quackity. He was so caught up on figuring out what was happening to Karl that it just slipped his mind.

When they walked in, Quackity greeted them both with a hug and kissed them both. Karl pushed him off immediately.

"What the hell, Q?!" Quackity stood there in disbelief. What just happened?

He looked to Sapnap for an answer.

"We need to talk. All of us."

They sat down in the living room at Sapnap started.

"Alright, so Karl lost his memory of the past year due to his time traveling and-"

"I didn't say you could tell him!" Karl cut him off.

"You told him this year, now quiet." Sapnap snapped. "As I was saying, he doesn't remember anything from the past year, which means-"

"He doesn't remember me..." Quackity said, tearing up.

"N-no I've known you my whole life, Q! Not just the past year!" Karl cried out. He was confused and worried.

"Not like that, Karl. You and me, as you know, have been together for a while now. This past year though, we added Quackity to the mix."

"S-so.. You're my boyfriend-"

"Fiancé." Sapnap corrected.

"W-what? O-ok then.. so you're my f-fiancé.. but.. s-so is Quackity?" Karl's mind was spinning at this point, he had no idea what was going on.

"Yeah..." Quackity choked out. "I-i understand if you want me g-gone and-"

"No!" Karl yelled, startling the other two. "N-no I just... I'm confused, I don't remember any of this but.. t-there's ways to get my memory back! I-I just need to go to the In Between and-"

"No, absolutely not. You're not going back." Sapnap said, staring him dead in the eyes.

"B-but I could-!"

"No. Thats final." Sapnap stood up and walked out, leaving his two confused lovers alone.

Quackity was sitting next to Karl. He slowly moved his hand to rub small circles on Karl's back like Sapnap did when Karl was panicking.

Karl smiled and leaned up against his forgotten lover, becoming at peace.

"I know I don't remember.. but.. if I loved you enough to plan a wedding, then I'm willing to try again. I know it won't be the same but-"

Quackity leaned down and gave Karl a long, passionate kiss on the lips. Karl melted into it, quite understanding every reason he loved this man. He may not have the memory, but he'll never forget the feeling...

A/n: kinda proud of this one ngl- y'all want a part 2? I'm down if you want one. Poor Quackity ;-;

Word count: 871

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