Hanahaki Disease(KSQ pt1)

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I'm here to make you guys suffer, there is some fluff tho. Also, in this universe, when you have Hanahaki Disease, you spit out your crushes favorite flowers. There's always thorns and vines, no matter the flower.

This is if they were actually in the dsmp btw.

Word count: 960(weak)


It was all Karl could smell, all he could see, all he could feel as he slumped over the toilet. His vision blurred from tears, the dizziness in his head getting worse as he spit out flower petals and blood.

It was strange, painful even. There was nothing else; only blood and petals. Daisy and Orchid petals to be exact, his best friends favorite flowers. He held a full daisy in one hand and a full Orchid in the other, both abnormally large and tinted red. He smiled only to cough up more petals.

I want it to stop.. what if I make it stop..?

No, he couldn't. He wouldn't. He refused to go down the same road as so many others. He forced a few petals down, feeling the thorns inside his throat and the metallic taste on his tongue. He decided to keep the two full flowers, rinsing the before putting them in his pocket. He cleaned his face and flushed the toilet, throwing on a mask and walking out of the house.

It was time for him to go to work, he and his best friend Sapnap were finishing Kinoko Kingdom and they'd invited Quackity to come and help.

Oh, Sapnap and Quackity. The answer to yet the cause of most of his problems. They were beautiful in Karl's eyes; Sapnaps short black hair with the white bandana that pushes his hair from covering his defined face. The way Quackitys dark brown eyes, almost black, sparkle during sunsets and the way his hands look so rugged yet are so soft.

He loved every bit about them, honestly, but it made him happy to make the simple, less noticeable things the biggest and most complex. Something Karl noticed when first meeting them was that they both carried flowers; Sapnap an Orchid and Quackity a Daisy.

Now those same flowers were haunting him.

"Waddup, Karlos?" Looks like Quackity beat him there, and decided to rub it in with his stupid little fake accent. "I beat you here, Karlos!!"

"Yeah yeah, I get it, the short ass is faster than me." Karl said with a laugh.

"Oh you mother fucker-"


"Damn, grumpy much snapmap?" Quackity hit Sapnaps arm.

"Oh shut it. Are you ok Karl?" Sapnap turned his best friend, slightly having to look up.

"Oh- yeah, why?"

"Your voice is.. very very horse, I guess." He moved some of Karl's hair out of his face.

"Damn Karlos, who you be givin dat dunder head 3000 to?" Quackity burst out laughing along with Sapnap, Karl laughed only to cough up more blood and petals into his mask.

"I- I gotta-" more blood. "B-bathroom, I need-" blood. Blood.. Blood...

He ran as fast as he could, the blood leaking through him mask. He took it off and coughed into his hands.

More petals, better hurry


He got to the bathroom and locked the door. As he coughed into the toilet, his mind clouded and vision blurry once again, Sapnap and Quackity tried opening the door to no avail.

"Let us in, Karl! Let us help!" Sapnap yelled as he knocked on the door, sounds of Karl vomiting emitting from the bathroom.

Their worry instantly grew as Sapnap remembered he had a key to the bathroom. he fumbled with the lock, finally getting the door open and running towards Karl, Quackity being close behind. Sapnap placed a hand on Karl's back as he saw the bundles of blood and petals, even some thorns as they all shot out of the olders mouth and into the toilet.

Quackity hated the sight of blood, but he stayed nonetheless, unwanting to leave his suffering friend. Karl ushered the rest of it out of his throat hastily, standing up and grabbing a new mask from his pocket along with a small packet of baby wipes.

He ignored the questions and cries from the others as he wiped his face and hands off before throwing on the mask and shoving past the two boys. Karl walked fast, hurrying to his other home in the woods, aware yet uncaring of the shouts and footsteps coming from behind him.

That was, of course, until he felt a hand on his wrist.

"Karl, you don't just do that shit and walk away. What the fuck happened back there?" Quackity questioned him.

Karl looked away with a "nothing" escaping his lips as he tried to pull his hand back.

"Just leave me alone, nothing you can fix anyways."

"Karl, we saw the flowers. It's Hanahaki, isn't it." Karl didn't answer, so Sapnap pushed further. "They were Daisies and Orchids, Karl."

Karl froze at those words.

Daisies and Orchids.

He reached into his other pocket, grabbing one large Daisy and one large Orchid. He handed Sapnap the Orchid and Quackity the Daisy before walking away without a word.

And they let him.

The flowers were tinted red, Karl had obviously tried to remove the stain yet failed. They just stared at the flowers, and they knew.

It was their fault.


How much do y'all hate me now? Don't worry, there'll be a part two. Can someone give me filler ideas? Something short that I haven't done before, preferably fluff because ive been goin through some shit. anyways, have a lovely day! If you need to, you can always...

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