Chapter Eight

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[Back at Deoksugung Palace]

Once she returned to the palace, Tulra made her way up to the throne room. But just as she was walking up the steps, a indescribable noise made her look up into the sky. The air around her picked up its pace, blowing her matted black strands everywhere.

"This is the National Intelligence Service. Stand down and surrender yourself now or we will not hesitate to open fire." The NIS announces from their helicopter. "We repeat, this is the National Intelligence Service. Stand down and surrender yourself immediately or we will not hesitate to open fire."

   Tulra disappears, leaving clouds of black smoke behind. The NIS agents are confused, searching to where she might be. That is until one of them shouts and the drivers turn to see she has possessed them.

   "I am your master to serve now. Use your machines against my enemies." She tells them, giggling and disappearing once the two agents She's possessed open fire on the drivers of the helicopter.

   The flying vehicle struggles in the air, immediately taking a dive into the ground where other authorities and residents have gathered outside the palace gates. They all scramble and scream, the few brave souls to stick around, pointing their weapons towards the flying smoke and ash of the fallen helicopter.

   "Keep your eyes open men!!!" A commanding officer yells.


   When he turns his body, Tulra is there and she blows poisonous fumes in his face before disappearing again. She does this to almost every officer until she reappears before a seemingly cowardly cadet. Crouching, she touches the trembling male, pulling a finger towards her lips. "Shhhhh." Her other hand smushed his cheeks together. "Not to worry my pet. Your master will make it all better." After saying this, she leans in and kisses him, transferring some of her power to him and possessing him. "You now serve me. Use your machines against my enemies."

A little ways outside of Seoul, students in their dorms are startled awake by a force. At first everyone assumes it is a small earthquake, but it lasts no longer than thirty seconds until it stops. Still, this does not stop the students from peering outside their windows. They gasp and scream as they see what appears to be the roof of Deoksugung Palace smoking and on fire.

This makes one student rush to switch on the television. Every channel is showing nothing but the action happening at Deoksugung Palace. He watches intently as the broadcast he chose to see is playing live footage. They replay a NIS helicopter crashing at the gates of the palace. A red circle shows a dark figure standing underneath the flying vehicle before it disappears and moments later, the helicopter goes down.

His eyes are wide. They play the footage over and over, showing the same clip of this dark figure disappearing completely; it's mind boggling and almost scary.

A frantic knock is heard and he puts down the remote, heading to open his door. Once the student twists the doorknob and pulls the door towards himself, he's pushed into his room. He barely has time to process anything before seeing two individuals walking into his dorm.

Catching a glimpse of a familiar demon tail and glowing aura, the male recognizes the two intruders. "Seokjin-hyung, Taehyung-ah... what the hell? You guys can't just come to my dorm and barge in like this!"

"Shut up Jungkook." Taehyung sets down Chinsun, whom he had protected under a blanket. "If it were up to me I wouldn't be here."

"Namjoon sent us," Jin adds. "Korea is under attack."

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