Chapter Three

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"Dr. Bae, we're so glad you were able to come at such short notice,"

"It was no problem at all Dr. Cho. And please, call me Lisa." Says the woman with a smile. "What have you got to show me today?"

The man, known as Dr. Cho, shuffles through several papers and photos on his desk until he finds the one he means to show the Professor. "This photo was taken in a cave of Jeju-do. It appears to be some sort of image of an ancient deity."

Lisa pulls out her glasses and slides them on her nose. "Jeju. I have some history in that area. I'm surprised I never stumbled across this cave you're speaking of." She squints her eyes, trying to read the carved words. "This doesn't look like Chinese... or any sort of language I've seen." Looking up at Dr. Cho, she asks, "Your team of archeologists excavated this?"

Dr. Cho nods. "We were originally called because a man reported to have discovered ancient drawings on the walls of this cave. I sent a team to go and confirm that the drawings were indeed authentic." He answers. "While in the process, one of the team members said something had fell at her feet; that being the deity you see before you."

Lisa hums, staring at the photo again. "Did your team bring this artifact back with them?"

"Yes, which is why I called for your assistance at the federal office." He says. "Seeing as you are chairmen of the supernatural affairs of Korea, I knew you had to come and see this for yourself."

This makes Lisa quirk an eyebrow. "You called me to look at an outdated deity of primitive times. I mean no disrespect Doctor, but my area of expertise is in the supernatural and the super enhanced."

Dr. Cho chuckles. "Once you'te in there with that thing, you will see why I called you." He gestures her towards the door. "Shall we head down to the lab then?"

At that Lisa heads out of the office, her associates following closely behind as the two doctors made their way to the laboratory. She had no idea what was in store for her and the writing on that deity gave her goosebumps, she admits. For some reason, one particular individual came to mind, but she dismissed the thought when she felt the shift in atmosphere while riding down the elevator. First she thought that maybe they were going beneath ground level and that's why she had almost an aching feeling in her chest, but when she hears her associates grunting and straining, she finds herself getting nervous.

"It is hard to think clearly when in its parameters, but you'll come to adjust to its weird affect." Says the Doctor, obviously trying hard to keep his composure. The elevator doors open and they walk down a hall, painted in a sterilized white. "As we get closer to the observation room, you'll feel very constructed almost."

And just as predicted by the doctor, they felt like they could not breathe.

"D-Dr. Bae..." one of Lisa associates chokes out. "I don't think I-I can..."

Lisa nods. "You two go back upstairs." She tells them. "I'll be up in just a moment."

Without hesitation, the associates scurry to the elevator and head back up and away from the awful aura.

"You seem confident going near this thing." Dr. Cho comments. "I hope I've piqued your interest now doctor."

"Oh you have." Answers Lisa.

Finally they arrive in an area wear there are lab workers in hazardous suits looming over a table. They have magnifiers and all sorts of instruments and tools. They clean the artifact as carefully as they can, trying their best to preserve the original form.

They are halted in their actions when Dr. Cho announces to them from the other side of the window. "Dr. Bae is here to inspect the artifact, you are dismissed for now." The lab workers are quick to put their instruments away and exit the observation room. "After you Ms. Lisa."

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