Chapter Nine

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   As they wait for Taehyung to arrive, Jimin is practicing his sword skills with Sun Strike. He stood next to a tree in the front yard of Namjoon and Jin's home. His eyes are closed while he swings the blade around, yet he never strikes the tree. He always stops centimeters before his blade could touch it.

   Namjoon watches him from the porch. He's come to the conclusion that Jimin was not the same person he was while they were at the academy. Whether he had come to accept himself as not human or not, it was obvious he was trying to make do with what he had. This wasn't the fifteen year old boy he had relations with back then when their mortal bodies and minds were young and stupid. Jimin had matured and had grown powerful at that. The elder was convinced that he would be able to defeat his sister before she could do any real damage to life as they knew it. 

   "What are you thinking?" Asks Yoongi as he plops down next to Namjoon.

   The other sighs. "What is there to think about? The answer to our problem is right here." He gestures to Jimin. "As long as he defeats my sister for good, we'll be fine."

   There's a small silence, but then Yoongi responds with, "Don't you think you're overestimating Jimin's abilities a little bit?"

   "What are you saying? Of course not, he has such great power-."

   "Power he doesn't know how to fully control." Interrupts the feline. "You can't expect him to be able to defeat a being who are like you and I." He says. "What happened at the academy, was a totally different situation. Those were humans trying to play God and create super humans. They were humans Namjoon, and even then, Jimin didn't defeat them on his own." Yoongi looks towards Jimin and sighs. "Don't use him like that Namjoon."

   "What are you talking about?"

   "I'm saying don't put Jimin's life in danger just because you do not want to face your sister." Says Yoongi. "I was there in that forest when you stood up to her those hundreds of years ago. You and her were in my clan's territory." He explains. "I was supposed to attack the both of you for trespassing, but I didn't. I saw the way she would treat you." Placing a hand on the younger's shoulder, Yoongi gives it a squeeze. "She can't hurt you anymore Namjoon. You have us. And no, you can't totally depend on Jimin, but he came to fight with us, alright?"

   Namjoon doesn't realize he's trembling until the tears are rolling down his cheeks. He was scared. Scared of losing his family. His husband, his daughter; his friends. He had already lost his life as a mortal thanks to his sister's greed, he did not want to lose more. The nekomata was right, he was not only overestimating what Jimin was capable of, but he was using him to fight a battle that also pertained to himself. It wasn't fair for the younger to be dragged back into a situation like this and expect him to risk his life again.

However, they hear a screech of tires coming down the road and Namjoon wipes his eyes. He sees his familiar SUV pull up in the driveway and stands with Yoongi to go and get Hoseok.

As soon as Jimin opens his eyes, Taehyung's already in front of him. "Oh my god Taehyung!" He lets out. "You scared me-."

Jimin's interrupted when the incubus' lips are moving against his own. His hands go to his chest to push the other away from him, but it only makes Taehyung push himself against Jimin more until he has no other choice but to kiss back. Their lips moved in sync and Jimin could tell this was the other's way of expressing that he had missed him. He felt it in Yoongi and Hoseok's kisses too. Did they really miss him that much??

Finally, Taehyung pulls away. He's out of breath and just stares into Jimin's eyes. Did they always look golden like that? But he dismisses the thought when he lets his head plop onto the smaller's shoulder. His arms go around Jimin's waist as he pulls him in for a hug. He's happy when the elder hugs him back, rubbing Taehyung's back soothingly while they don't speak a word.

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