Chapter Thirteen

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*Not proofread*

  The walk down into the cave was a bit tedious as it was kept to its natural state, but the boys managed to stay close. The torches that were lit and placed sporadically within the cave eventually became less and less. By the time the rough limestone became smooth and polished tiles, the boys could just barely see anything at the end of the cave.

Only, there was no gate nor portal of any kind. The only thing they could distinguish in the dimness was two pillars spaced equally across from each other.

"Jin-hyung, you mind shedding a little light?" Asks Jimin.

The angel nods and soon begins to glow heavenly light. Once the area was illuminated, they saw that the white quartz pillars both had statues of turtle shells. Behind the pillars and centered between them was a lone stalactite that was dripping water and irritating Yoongi at that. But no Gate of Time.

"Great, a dead end." Yoongi says, annoyed.

"You sure we didn't miss a tunnel somewhere back there?" Hoseok asks Namjoon.

Looking around some more, Namjoon shakes his head. "No, we're in the right place. Look,"

He refers to the white smoke that began to fall out of the turtle shell statues. Most of them are on edge, ready for anything that might be thrown at them. However, the white smoke from each statue swirls upward and finally disappears, revealing two beautiful women. They appeared to be twin souls, looking completely identical to one another. Although they had the same ghostly appearance as the beings they had encountered in the sanctum, they wore gold instead of silver. Their white hanboks mirrored each other with one's golden floral pattern slanting to the left and the other's to the right; their hair, although still white, was neatly tied up over their heads and decorated with gold hair pieces, a string of pearls hanging from their binyeo (hair stick). Just like their hanboks, their binyeos mirrored each other, with one's string of pearls hanging from the left side of the head and the other from the right. The sleeves on their clean, white hanboks were excessively long too, reaching down to their ankles.

"Salutations. I am Miyo," Says one woman with a bow.

"And I am Miyu," Says the other, also bowing.

"We are guardians of the Gate of Time. We were called upon by the gatekeeper, for you have successfully paid the fee to enter the Flow of Time." Miyo says.

"But before we can open the Gate for you, there are regulations that must be followed. Failure to do so will result in being pulled out of the Flow of Time and being denied access to the Gate in the future." Miyu continues.

"Tell us the rules." Namjoon says.

Stepping forward, Miyo begins, "It is prohibited to use any forbidden magic whilst in the Flow of Time. Magic itself is allowed, but forbidden magic could result in a disruption of the Flow of Time. Please be aware of this when traveling to a different timeline."

Then Miyu steps forward. "The elimination of individuals is strictly prohibited. Given the severity of your purpose, you may defend yourselves from any threat or danger, although this rule still stands. Please keep this in mind." She says. "In correlation with this rule, the act of resurrecting is also prohibited. You may heal, but not resurrect. This would be violating not only one, but two rules. That being the use of forbidden magic."

"Bringing treasures or any sort of valuable possessions back from the timeline is strictly prohibited. Any detection of valuable goods will be confiscated and you will need to answer to the gatekeeper. However, you are allowed to bring sentimental items of no significant value, if you so wish." Says Miyo.

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