Trick or Love

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Everyone fell into a nice and comfortable routine as the weeks started to pass by. Harry would drop Teddy in the morning and Ginny would pick him up by the end of the day. Sometimes, Ron or Hermione ended up picking him at school when Ginny had to go for a match or Harry was held up in the office. Mrs. Weasley couldn't be happier watching over James, Dom and Victoire and kept insisting on Angelina to find a job just so she could have Fred as well.

The Hogsmeade shop was an huge success, especially when the Hogwarts students came by the village. Ron was getting the hang of running the shop at Diagon Alley and found himself enjoying it quite a lot. Harry's Aurors finally arrested the last terrorist that had escaped the raid back in March and he felt relieved to finally put a definite case closed on that file. Ginny's column was getting prestigious and well-quoted around Britain and she was happy with her job. The first game she had an extra ticket for, she obviously took Teddy who had the day of his life. Hermione and Kingsley had initiated their long road for change and the bushy haired girl always had some new law proposal in mind. Fleur too adapted herself great into the business environment and was succeeding in Gringotts. 

The bet around Susan and Seamus was still on and with two losers. George and Hermione had already lost, but were as excited as the others to when the couple would get together. And as Ron had bet the Halloween party Hermione had thought about, the girl put on her best planning skills to throw the best party anyone had ever seen. She begged Harry to borrow her his backyard and he ended up agreeing to it after she promised quite a few stuff to him.

Hermione was going to set up a 'haunted house' on Harry's unused garage and a scary room on his broom-shack (by scary room she thought on a place they could lure Susan and Seamus in and lock them there). By the Quidditch pitch, she would place a huge tent like the one they used on weddings at the Burrow, with warming charms in case it gets too cold. Everyone had to have a costume and there would be a first prize winner to the best one. She had invited all their friends, Ginny's friends, Angelina's friends, and even Percy and Audrey. It was almost a DA reunion 3.0+, as Ron put it one day when going through the guest list. Mrs. Weasley kindly offered to get the kids after they took them to 'trick or treat' and with that, the party planning was complete.

What Hermione couldn't get, though, was an idea for her costume. She and Ron started bickering about ideas for them to go with a couple's costume, but never agreed to one. It was Harry, when both were picking up Teddy at school before going to dinner with Ginny and Ron in the Leaky Cauldron, who suggested the girls should go with a group costume while the guys did the same. 

"That's brilliant, Harry!" Hermione screamed, kissing her friend on the cheek. 

"I thought it too." Harry joked, earning himself a slap on his arm. "So, which girls are you calling to be part of the group costume so I know which blokes I gotta talk too."

Hermione considered it for a bit. "Ginny, Hannah, Luna... Oh no, Luna is not here... So, Ginny, Hannah, Susan, Angelina, Katie and I"

"Clearly noted Audrey was not mentioned." Harry laughed.

"She's already invited." Hermione snorted just when they spotted Teddy's turquoise hair running towards them. Hermione knelt on the ground, holding out her arms which Teddy gladly ran to be hugged. "Hey, little man. How was school?"

Teddy smiled and started to tell all about his day and his new friends just after getting a hug from Harry. The three apparated to the Leaky Cauldron and once they got there, Teddy continued his narrative about a boy in his class who summoned the teacher's wand.

Ginny and Ron were already there on a back booth, cheerly talking.

"Next weekend we must play some then!" Hermione heard Ron say.

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