The Weasley's Reaction

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"Yep, indeed, I'm pregnant." Ginny answered to an overexcited Harry Potter. 

"Like, pregnant of my baby, pregnant?" Harry was still in shock.

"No, actually it's the assistant coach's child." For a second, Harry frowned, but the frown turned to relieve when he realized Ginny was grinning. "Of course it's your baby, Potter! You're going to be a dad." 

Suddenly, Harry caught Ginny's waist and lifted her up and started swinging her around while hugging her. Once he put her down, Harry embraced Ginny on another hug and kissed her like never before. They were going to start a family! Harry Potter was finally going to have a family of his own. Not that he didn't consider the Weasley's his family, but for once he'd not have to consider anymore, it would actually be his family, his own blood. And the best part was that Ginny was his family too! Ginny was going to be the mother of his child! She was right: she definitely toped the night he proposed to her!  

When they parted the kiss, Ginny had to get back to her senses. Never had Harry kissed her like that. It was hard to put in words how she was feeling inside. It seemed so distant, now, the fear she shared with Hermione. She was ready to quit her job. Eventually she would figured out what she could do next, but for now she was going to enjoy just being Mrs. Potter. 

The young couple headed back to the house wrapping their arms on each others’ waist, discussing how they would break the news to the rest of the family. 

As soon as they opened the kitchen door, they went into a very angry Mrs. Weasley. 

"Where the hell were you two?" She screamed, making them feel like they were sixteen years old all over again. "Dinner is ready and everyone is waiting for you. Ron is almost starting to eat the table."

"Sorry, Mum.” 

"Sorry, Molly.” 

They headed to the two spots left on the table and Harry noticed how Hermione was brightly and weirdly smiling at him. 

"Ginny?" Harry whispered into Ginny's ear. "Why is Hermione looking at me or us with that crazy smile she gets when she knows something the others don't?" 

Before Ginny could answer, Ron asked loud and clear. "Hey, Hermione, why are you with your 'I know something everyone doesn't' smile?" 

"What?" Hermione snapped, but Ginny and Harry couldn't help but laugh. "What is it with you two now? I reckon you told him, Ginny?"

"Told him what?" George entered the conversation very curious of what was going on.

"We are laughing, Hermione, because Harry just asked me the same thing Ron did. It’s hilarious how you know each other that well. And, yes, I did tell him."

"For the love of Merlin, Ginny! What is there to be told?" Bill was the one to beg for what was the information that apparently just Ginny, Harry and Hermione knew about it.

"Well, it's your family, Gin, you tell them!" Harry encouraged his wife.

Ginny looked around the table and found her parents gaze on her, looking at her with curiosity and a bit of concern over the mystery being held in the conversation. Finally she looked over little Victoire and baby Dominique and the certainty that everything was going to be okay fell onto her. She got on her feet and made Harry get up as well. She took a deep breath and said "Everyone, we are going to have a baby! I'm pregnant!"

As expected, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, as well as Bill, Fleur, George, Angelina and Charlie started to celebrate and congratulate the couple. They got up on their feet and started to hug Ginny and Harry for their first child. In one minute, the conversation contained baby names, baby food, baby needs and everything baby related. As you could predict, Mrs. Weasley put Hermione and Angelina on a very awkward position, asking them for their baby plans. 

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