A Tradition of Sorts

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Winter slowly made its way into everyone's lives, the days turned shorter and shorter and snow was threatening to fall when Christmas came around. Seamus and Susan were happily together and indeed had been more productive than ever for much of Harry's satisfaction. Moping around for each other definitely had taken precious time from them and now they were using it to get the job done. As the cold and the wind unpacked their bags to stay in the Great Britain, the Quidditch season started its winter break, so Ginny found herself with one less column to write, managing to be more at home when Teddy's school break started. James was getting huge and seemed to be getting along with the other babies in the family, Dom and Fred. Hermione was busier as ever but felt fulfilled to be changing the old ways of the wizarding world. Ron, George and Lee were more and more prestigious about their business and their numbers were succeeding at every end of the month.

With the holidays arriving, Ginny decided to have a Christmas Eve dinner party, much like the previous year, although the guest list would be limited to closer friends. She thought about the past twelve months and realized how close she became to some people. Hermione and Luna would be forever her best friends, but now she knew she could count with many more people. They were each others' extended family. The more she thought about it, the more sense it made to celebrate such a night with her friends.

"That's a terrific idea, Gin!" Harry agreed the moment Ginny told him about her plans. "We should make it a tradition, you know?"

Ginny sent out the invitations and received the RSVP's on the same day. She organized the menu with Flory and together with Harry and Teddy, they decorated the Potter Cottage, with an huge tree on the living room. The only thing missing was the presents. She made several trips down to Diagon Alley and muggle London with different companies in order to get everyone gifts. It was always an excruciating job, but with some luck, she managed to get it all done. 

It was James' first Christmas and Harry couldn't believe how fast he was growing. The baby boy was already able to crawl up and down the stairs and he could also stand on his own feet while holding himself onto something. Harry often thought back to when Teddy was a baby and almost cried of pride when realizing how his little guy was turning out to be an amazing child. Remus and Tonks would be so proud. Harry was sure Teddy was going to become a brilliant Quidditch player and couldn't wait for the boy to play on his own House team. Teddy had spent the summer playing Quidditch with Ginny and Harry as well as with Ron and other uncles and aunts when they were around.

Hermione and Ron were getting better at the whole godparents duties and didn't miss an opportunity to take James out or have him for the night. Normally when they did, Teddy would come with as well or go to Bill and Fleur's to give some alone time for Harry and Ginny. It was one night when James and Teddy were at Ron and Hermione's flat that the couple came to the conclusion that maybe the one-bedroom apartment was starting to become a little small for them and the couple decided to start searching for a new home.

On Christmas Eve, Hermione and Ron arrived at the Potter Cottage a little before lunch. Flory met them at the kitchen where they had flooed themselves in. Hermione went to find Ginny at the study, while Ron found Harry in the living room, playing with the kids.

"Good morning, mate" Ron greeted, sitting himself on the floor next to James, catching and placing him on his lap. "How's my favorite godson this morning?"

James laughed at the funny faces Ron gave him. Teddy who was putting a puzzle together, lifted his head up to Ron and brought his brows together.

"Teddy, you're my favorite godson!" Harry joked, pulling the boy to his own lap and giving him a hug. "No need to get jealous of James."

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