Love Is In The Air

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The cold weather continued to persist when Albus first month was celebrated, but the Quidditch season had restarted nevertheless. Ginny was still in maternity leave, so the games were being covered by the other Prophet reporters. After his son’s birth, Harry had to go back to the Office and take over the millions issues that had been summing up on his desk. But Harry’s greatest preoccupations in mind was his friend’s love problems. Bernard was hanging out with Heather more and more every day but yet, he didn’t know how to feel about his long time friend.

“Ben, if she’s going out with you, she must like you a bit.” Harry commented one day when they were out for a coffee while the other partners teams didn’t come back to debrief from the day’s assignments. “Maybe she’s not yet ready to have a relationship, but when she does, I bet you’ll be her first choice.”

“I don’t know, Harry, do you really think so?” Ben thanked the barista for his coffee and went to put some sugar with Harry following suit. 

“I know so.” And Harry really did. Heather and Ginny too had become closer ever since Tobias and Teddy became best of friends and the kid’s mother already commented about her unsure and guilty feelings towards Bernard. “Look, mate, do want to go pick up Teddy with me later? You can get to see Tobias.”

“I would love to. Thanks.” After his father’s death, Tobias had been looking up at Bernard as his male role model. As the godfather who knows the kid ever since he was born, he was happy to assist and love his late best friend’s son anyway he could.

But before Harry and Bernard could go to Gaillard Institute to pick up Teddy (and Victoire - Fleur wrote to Harry - the cellphones didn’t work in the Ministry - and begged him to pick Vic as well and informed Bill would come by to pick her up later), they had to debrief all their parters teams and there was still one missing: Kelly and Wallace.

“Where the fuck are they?” Bernard hissed while playing with Harry’s stuffed snitch and laying on his couch in the Head Auror’s office.

“Their mission wasn’t even that hard.” Harry agreed. He was signing some papers he was due for weeks. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door loudly. “Come on in.”

Kelly barged into the room with Wallace on her heels. “Evening, boss.” Kelly looked fit for murderer. “The surveillance proved to be a false alarm. No threats or magic traces. All clear. Are we dismissed?” 

“Hm, ok.” Harry answered, furrowing his brows and Ben sat up in the couch. “But, no, you’re not dismissed. Moore, what’s going on?”

“I-I-" Wallace was looking down at his feet, but Harry noticed he couldn’t stop smiling. 

“We ran into Wallace’s lady. I insisted we didn't need to disguise ourselves and bam- ran into her.” Kelly told her two superiors with an angry voice. 

“And?” Ben insisted. “What then?”

“Her first question was who was Kelly. But fortunately I had already told her about her and that she was my partner.” Moore explained. “But Adriane knew we were hiding something from her and before she thought I was cheating, we took her to an alley and I told her everything.” Harry noticed Kelly starting to tremble softly and to hold back her tears. “She didn’t believe at first of course, but she didn't freak out. Adriane is waiting for me at home so I can explain better.”

“So it went alright?” Harry concluded. “She didn't lose it?” Wallace shook his head. “So what’s the matter with you, Hall?”

“Nothing’s is wrong with me. I’m happy for my partner. I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night.” And before anyone could say anything, Kelly turned on her heels and stormed off the room.

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