What happens when your an Avenger and the daughter of the goddess of sausages

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If you don't understand the title, I always think of Bellona like that one type of sausage that has a similar name. I literally could not think of anything else, so this is the title we're going with. 

Reyna's POV

"Reynaaaaa! Get your lazy ass the fuck up!" I hear from the kitchen. I grumble and roll over in my bed before cuddling closer into my covers. Suddenly, there's a banging on the door and a different, female voice spoke.

"Bitch I won't hesitate to break this fucking door down." She growled. I groaned.

"Fuck off Tasha." I grumble into my pillow.

"If you don't open the door within the next five seconds, no kisses for a week." I can practically hear the smirk in her voice. She starts counting down.

"Five..." I lazily get up and sit on the edge of my bed.

"Four..." I stand up, my feet gracefully landing on the cold floor.

"Three..." I glide over to the door.

"Two..." I unlock the door and I can feel the lock click under my fingers, but it doesn't make an audible sound.

"One..." I swing the door open and Natasha comes tumbling into my arms.

"I fucking hate you." I grumble to her. She smirks at me.

"Nah, you love me." She smiles at me. I glare at her, but she doesn't even flinch.

"What did you want?" I ask her, annoyed that she made me get out of bed. She suddenly becomes a little more professional.

"Right. That. Fury will be here in 45 minutes, breakfast will be ready in 10." She says. I nod before slamming the door in her face. What can I say, I'm grumpy in the morning. Especially since we had a mission last night and only got to sleep at 3:00 am. I hear a small 'bitch' from the other side of the door, before I walk to my closet.

I put on black, ripped skinny jeans, a purple camp Jupiter shirt, and a brown leather jacket. I brush my black hair and put it in a braid down my back, tying it with a gold hair tie that can stretch to any extent with ease and then become solid at my will, can shoot farther and harder if I want it to than one could with a bow and arrows or gun, and when it is shot, it becomes solid and has an incredibly sharp point, and it looks like it's glowing when it is stretching, but when it becomes solid, it looks like solid gold. It will also return to my hair whenever it hits it's target or when I want it to come back to me, and it can ricochet and bounce off things, or even become a dart like thing and go through multiple things at once.

10 minutes later, I'm ready and make my way to the kitchen. Natasha and Clint are chatting from across the kitchen island while Clint makes pancakes, so I come up from behind them and wrap my arms around Natasha. She tenses at first, but when she realizes it's me, she relaxes into my arms.

"Wassup dude?" I ask Clint. He looks up at me.

"A lot of stuff. We could start with the lights, making our way to the ceiling, going all the way up to the stars and higher, if you prefer. It really depends on what you define as up." He says. I scowl at him before turning to Tasha.

"Why do I put up with him?" I ask her. Clint pouts, but Natasha just laughs. We chat for a little while eating pancakes before Fury comes in. I nod in his direction.

"Whats up, Pirate man?" I ask him. He gets a small smirk on his face.

"Well, we could start with the lights-" I cut him off before he could go further.

"Why does everyone decide to torture me! I'm just trying to be nice and this is what I get in return!" I threw my hands up for dramatic effect. Everyone chuckles a little before getting back to business. "So, what did you need?" I ask Fury.

"Um... actually I was wondering if you wanted to join the Avengers." He deadpans. I think about what he said for a minute.

"I'd still get to go on missions and possibly go on the odd quest?" He nods at all of my requests. I shrug. "Sure." He lets out a relieved sigh.

"Great. I know that with everything that's happened....... just.......... remember.............you don't have to have the whole world on your shoulders." He smiles warmly. Yes, Fury and Tasha and Clint along with Coulsen and Carol know about the Greek and Roman worlds and everything I've done. They're my family, of course I told them! The story telling involved a lot of tears, hugs, and other absolutely fucking fluffy stuff that you would never think three assassins, one of which is a demi-god daughter of Bellona (Anyone else think of sausages when her name is spelled? Only me? Ok.) when  the director of Shield and his right hand man, (is that what Coulsen is?), and a photon (Spelling?????) blasting super powered, blond haired intergalactic being would be capable of. That moment will never me spoken about to anyone, no matter what happens, because no, of course the five of us can't be cheesy as fuck and have fluffy family bonding moments. To be fair though, it only happened once. The rest of the time we are threatening death upon each other over Monopoly.

And that's how I became an Avenger. Well, I gained the title of an Avenger. I haven't even met the other dumbasses yet!      


Yup, ok. This is a ReynaxNatasha oneshot, if you didn't pick up on that, but tell me if you want a part two!

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