fire (part 2)

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"Ok, now aim... and fire!" 

Natasha released the ball of fire from my palm, effectively hitting the target 20 feet in front of her. She put extinguished the fire as soon as it touched the target as an attempt to not burn the whole thing. 

"Ayye that's my girl!" Wade said, running to join her out in the yard. 

"Good job. You've improved a lot. I think you'll be able to head off soon." Milah said, smiling. She smiled back. It had been a couple months since she had arrived at the Adair residence and ever since she had agreed to stay she had grown pretty close to everyone staying there. 

Milah and Mateo were excellent caretakers, giving her three meals a day- though it had taken her a long while to get used the that since she had only gotten one meal a day at the red room with a snack closer to the end of the day- and they were super kind and caring and just generally nice people.  

Wade acted like a brother to her, joking around and wrangling her into helping him play pranks on people (at the beginning she wasn't sold on the whole pranking idea, disrespecting anyone like that in the red room would have earned her a very harsh punishment, and she really hated torture. It was very un fun) but eventually he convinced her. 

Kai gave her a lesson on the whole queer community, though he told her that it was practically impossible to know it all. He's kind of quiet, but he read a lot and he's an excellent artist and she liked to just be in his presence sometimes, even if they weren't talking. 

Eloise is nice. She's gorgeous, with blond hair and bright blue eyes,  glowing skin, great style, and a winning smile. She was one of those people that you notice as soon as she walks into the room, which is ironic since her superpower is invisibility. 

Then there's Percy.  Percy is not a mutant. Percy is a demigod. Percy has been on adventures - quests, she calls them- and has gotten kicked out of like 6 schools and goes to a camp for other demigods during the summer and Percy is kind and sweet and sassy and snarky and beautiful and Natasha really likes her. As a friend, of course. What other way would she like her? 

Percy and Eloise were partners, which meant that they lived on the same earth, but they didn't see each other all too often when they were there. Percy had actually been born on that earth but then got transported here through a portal for who knows what reason and had been raised by a woman named Sally Jackson on this earth. Then Sally had died, and Percy was found by Milah and Mateo who thought she was a mutant. They then coincidently sent her back to the earth she was originally from, but at this point in the story, Percy had mumbled something about the fates just screwing around with her and Kai had butted in. 

Kai's partner was still on the earth that he lived on, but Kai had come back for a little for unspecified reasons. He explained that there were a bunch of other mutants spread out across earths and that they all congregated for most of the big holidays. The ones who know had their own families didn't come by as often, but they all managed to get around at least once a year. 

Wade hadn't been assigned an earth yet because he apparently wasn't trained enough and Milah didn't want him going to a different earth on his own. But then Natasha had arrived, and Wade finally had a partner.     

She had finally settled into life with the Adairs and to being called Natasha. It wasn't her real name, but it was a variation of it, and she liked to think that Natalia no longer existed. That Natalia had died with her faith in Russia and now only Natasha was left. Natasha who had risen from the ashes when Milah and Mateo had found her and taken her in and given her new hope. Hope that there were good people in the world, people she could trust not to hurt her. She was like a phoenix, which was fitting given she had fire powers. 

-time skip one week, brought to you by the giant hole in your backyard-

Finally, the time had come, and Natasha and Wade were prepared to be sent off. To go to their own earth. To go start their new lives. 

"Alrighty kids, these are your teleporters, they can transport you to any earth, just enter the number in here and they'll transport you to the exact place you are in but on a different earth. You got that?" Milah questions. Wade and Natasha both nod. 

"Ok. I'm gonna miss you guys so much. Remember, inform each other if you're going to be going to a different world. And keep in contact, even if it's minimal." Milah's face twisted into a strangled smile. Her eyes leaked ever so slightly. She pulled the two teens into a tight hug. 

"Stay safe. Have fun on earth 53."

Wade and I jumped through the portal and got spat out into an alley on the other side. Earth 53. Who would have thought that that was just the beginning?


I am so sorry this chapter is terrible i have no idea what happened to my writing it kind of just died i havn't looked it over so there are probably times when ur just like 'what is going on?' i'm very sorry.   

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