Chapter 56

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After lunch I saw Bayne, Ulrich, and Dakota who had just returned. I suspected Helio was still doing his 'investigating' upstairs, so it was safe to pull Bayne aside. He scratched his neck. I bet he was eager to get out of his stuffy clothes.

"How are you doing? With everything today?" I asked him.

"It was hard to put her in the ground, but she's at peace now. Probably."

"I wanted to let you know we're going to Raven's soon, while Helio isn't down here. We're going to find out what happened, and by tonight, have you free."

"Thank you, Erin." He wrapped his arms around me and embraced me.

"I knew you'd save me." He muttered.

With every ounce of my body, I did not want to pull away. I could smell his apple shampoo, and the faint smell of forest he always had on him. I took a deep breath in.

"I'll let you know what we find. Well be back soon."

He slowly released me. Once he was proven innocent, our lives could really start together. I had to do it to save Bayne. I had to do it to save us.

Romulus, Nadine and I headed out quickly. We were still in our funeral clothes. Romulus loosened his solid grey tie.

We didn't knock, Raven was expecting us. We made our way up to the attic where she was waiting.

"How was the funeral?" She asked.

"Pretty gloomy. But once we find her true murderer, I think everyone will be relieved." Romulus said.

"Do you have something of hers?"

Nadine pulled the brooch out of her jacket pocket and dropped it into Raven's hand.

"Perfect." She said, holding it up to the light.
She appeared to be admiring it before putting it near her crystals. The setup was the same as the previous spell. Once she had finished setting up, she summoned me over.

"Remember, it'll be the same as last time. Hold my hands tight and don't let go, no matter what."

I agreed. She didn't waste anymore time jumping in. The room spun and shook, we went to the dark place. Then, we were in the woods. It was warm. The light of the golden sun seeped through the trees.

She was alone. In the distance, I could hear the rambunctious boys. The bags under her eyes indicated her exhaustion.

She went to the bench in the woods that my father had first taken me to. It was there, she began to kneel. She began to pray. I didn't expect her to be religious. She muttered words with her hands folded.

"God of the moon, please give me enough strength to be a strong leader. I fear I'm not as strong as they think."

A tear ran down her face. I reached out a hand to helped her, Raven pulled me back. I had almost forgotten we weren't really there. It felt so real.

I saw Bayne. He was watching her in the trees. His peridot eyes stared at her. She didn't know he was there. He remained hidden in the trees and studied her as if he was hunting his prey.

"What's he doing here?" Raven said, staring at him. Her grip on my hand tightened into a squeeze.

Adolpha kept her hands folded and her eyes closed as she continued to pray.

Bayne's eyes didn't unlock from her. We watched him peel off his clothes. In a flash, he changed into his wolf form. His paws were massive, his fur was dark. He quietly crept closer. His eyes remained fixed on the vulnerable woman.

Then, he pounced.

"No!" I yelled. I wanted to warn her. I wanted to stop him.

He attacked her from the side, knocking her to the ground. She tried to fight, but the surprise attack was too much for her. I watched Bayne claw and tear up her flesh. Blood shot out of her. She only managed to get one scream out before the light faded from her empty eyes.

Raven gasped and covered her mouth, in complete disbelief of what she was seeing. I couldn't look away from the attack.

Blood dotted the ground. Clumps of her face flew. Skin and muscle were seperated. My stomach sank. I began to feel nauseous. I couldn't look anymore, I turned away and covered my eyes.

I could hear Bayne's sharp claws dig deep into her. After she was dead, he continued to rip her skin.

After he completed his mission, we watched him go behind a tree. He transformed, and put his clothes back on.He walked down the hill and towards the lodge, as if nothing happened.

We began to spin again. I felt sick to my stomach. The image of her being brutally murdered was ingrained into my mind. It was all I could think about. Bayne killed her. He killed Adolpha. My boyfriend brutally murdered his own boss.

When we arrived back in the attic, I collapsed and began to sob. I screamed out in frustration and sadness. Romulus darted over to me and held me.  Nadine followed.

It felt like he took my heart and shredded it, like he did Adolpha's innocent face.

"What happened? What did you see?" Asked Romulus.

I could hear Raven begin to cry too.

"What happened?" He repeated.

It was hard to muster out the words. The disgusting truth. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"It was Bayne! He killed her. He killed Adolpha." I screamed.

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