The Way of the Caterpillar

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The forceful gale that tears the trees, that is a fairy's rage. The whistling wind that brings the rain, that is a fairy's tears. The joyful draught, dancing through the leaves, that is a fairy's laughter. The gentle breeze that guides the heart, that is the fairy song.


"Uh, hii!!" A guy with green hair who didn't seem to know how to tie a tie was standing in the middle of the doorway as I walked down the corridor. Hmph. 

"Good morning! My name is Tenya Iida, I-" I tuned them out from then on, slipping through the gap between the boy and the door, careful not to be noticed. I slid into the empty seat at the back, next to a girl with jet black hair, tied in a massive ponytail.

"I know! I'm.. uh, Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you?" I kept my head down, not bothered by their conversation or the commotion at the door. I closed my eyes, replaying the scene from last night.

"Hey! Y/n! Tomorrow's the first day at UA, you need to go to sleep early." Nemuri smiled, a tight white tank top hugging her figure, with plain black leggings stretching three quarters of the way down her leg.

"No." I continued sparring with her, as she ducked under my right fist, letting out an oof as my left hand came for an uppercut, catching her in the stomach.

"You know you should alter your uniform, make a first impression. I heard Aizawa's gonna be your teacher, he'd appreciate it." She straightened up smirking. I let my leg swing up, and she caught it, pulling it up so I was basically doing the splits standing up. I pivoted, jumping and wrapping the other leg around her shoulders and sending us crashing to the floor, me pinning her down.

"No. Eraser Head right? He wouldn't, and I'm going to do my best not to be noticed, and get this stupid thing over with as soon as possible so I can go back to searching." Nemuri pushed her hips up, flipping us over.

"Gotcha." She smirked again, before my fist connected with her face and I scrambled up, holding out my hand.

"Good fight. I'm going to go train my quirk." She reached out to shake my hand before I flipped her over my shoulder, her back hitting the ground. "I win." 

She stood up, brushing herself off. "You know, you could find a cute boy there. There are quite a few in your class." She winked, at the same time I snorted.

"As if. I won't have time for that, and who says I want a boy?" She shrugged.

"Maybe you'll find a cute girl?" I brushed her off, walking outside to do as I said before; practice my quirk.

Sitting here, I thought back on that conversation. And now I was sitting here, a cute girl on my left, and on my right, a guy with heterochromatic eyes and hair, who seemed to be able to pull of being completely innocent and adorable, as well as freaking hot. I wasn't here for romance, anyways.

An irritated voice sounded from the door, and I looked immediately to the ground. Sure enough, our homeroom teacher was in his sleeping bag on the floor.

"If you're just here to make friends, then you can pack up your stuff now." I smiled. I should ask him to tell Nemuri that, maybe she'd get off my case then. 

"Welcome to UA's hero course." he unzipped the top of the yellow sleeping bag and took a mouthful of yoghurt or something. The entire class stared at him, and their thoughts could practically be heard.

What is that thing?!?!?

Ah. So this is the Erasure hero. Makes sense. I wonder how he going to run a class, apparently he's expelled over 150 students.

He stood up, unzipping the entire sleeping bag and stepping out.

"It took an entire eight seconds for you all to shut up, that's not gonna work. Time is precious, rational students would understand that." I nodded, a small, satisfied smile creeping to my face.

"Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher." I went back to taring at my desk. "Right, let's get to it." He pulled out a UA PE uniform. "Put these on and head outside." He turned his gaze to me, and I looked up, feeling everyone's eyes shift to me. Shit.

"You too, L/n." I rolled my eyes, standing up and following the rest of the class out the door to get changed.


"What? A quirk assessment test?" Seriously. Did the whole class have to shout that? In unison?

"But orientation! We're gonna miss it!" The girl with the brown bob cried, Uraraka, and I internally winced. She'd seemed nice in the locker room, but I had to shut her down.

"Hi girls! I'm Uraraka- nice to meet you!" Everyone replied with their own greetings and introductions, and I stayed in the corner, tugging on my uniform. 

"How about you?" I looked up as I started to walk out of the room, meeting warm brown eyes. I knew I had to make it clear to everyone here.

"I'm not here to make friends. I'm sorry everyone, but I'm going to get through this course as quickly as I can, which means I can't let other people delay me." I met everyone's eyes as I spoke, before turning on my heel and walking out. At the last second I paused at the door, regret welling up inside me at the silence that had followed my statement.

"By the way, be careful. Our homeroom teacher is quite intense. He has a... different way of teaching." I smiled half-heartedly over my shoulder, knowing what I was about to say would contradict the gloom I had set upon them.

"I call it the way of the Caterpillar." I turned and left the change room, their giggles following my out.

"If you want to make the big leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies." I winced at the word 'League', and tuned out the rest of his speech. My ears started ringing, my sister's screams echoing faintly. No. No, I can't right now. I have to pass this, I have to complete this course. The screams got louder, my brother's joining the mix. An image flashed before my eyes; my brother,  his body, only slightly bigger than mine, shaking in pain. Two rips on his back where his beautiful wings used to sit, tears rolling down his face as he watched Elaine scream. My mother dying, pulling him in her, and hugging him. My father's body, discarded a way off, his wings held triumphantly in the air by a thug. No, please, not now. I clutched my head, before feeling a light tap on my arm. 

"The person who comes in last place will be expelled." I lifted my eyes, the ringing gone. Ex...pelled? A smile spread over my face, masking the pain of the past. Still, this was good. It was too easy; I could just fail this test, get expelled and go back to searching.

"L/n, come talk to me after I send these guys to the first test." All eyes turned to me again, and I cringed at the pro's words. So I wouldn't be getting out this easily. He started speaking again, and the class thankfully turned back.

"Hey, why is that kid in the circle?" I nudged the person on my left, whispering the question, finding that guy with the heterochromatic eyes. He just looked at he weirdly.

"That's Bakugou. He threw the softball for a demonstration. He got 705.2 metres." He turned back to the front. He'd spoken everything in a monotone voice, and I barely caught what he said next.

"Don't talk to me again, please. I'm not here to make friends." I smiled again, satisfied that my view was shared by at least one other person.

"Good." I whispered, walking over to Mr Aizawa as the class dispersed for the task.

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