I Can't Tell You

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The forceful gale that tears the trees, that is a fairy's rage. The whistling wind that brings the rain, that is a fairy's tears. The joyful draught, dancing through the leaves, that is a fairy's laughter. The gentle breeze that guides the heart, that is the fairy song.


As much as I wanted to see my new friend battle it out with Iida and the guy with anger issues with the All Might fanboy by her side, I hated the thought of being in a small room with so many people, so, with All Might's permission, I walked outside to take a breather.

I quickly scurried past the building that they would be fighting in, not eager to get blown up, and started walking down another street. It was nice to walk like this, alone but knowing I was safe. 

After a few minutes, I felt a presence behind me. I didn't want to turn around to make sure and leave an opening for them to attack, so I continued walking, hesitating for a split second before I took my next step. I heard a foot fall softly. Yup, definitely someone following me. I started to hum softly, feeling the air around me. From the vague build, I could tell it was a guy. 

Suddenly, I whirled around, and hummed a quick note while blasting a gust of wind, pushing whoever was following me far enough away that I could see who it was before they attacked. When my wind died down, I could see a small wall of ice, around my height that would have prevented the wind from hitting the person behind it. The person who created it.

Ah, so it was Todoroki. 

"Hey, Todoroki. I thought you didn't want me to talk to you?" I questioned, genuinely curious as he stepped out from behind the ice wall.

"I don't." He stated, completely monotone. I tilted my head.

"Then why were you following me-?" I was very confused now, as he'd been cold and distant to everyone the past two days. He paused, and I knew he was thinking over the best way to phrase what he was about to say.

"I want to know why..." He hesitated. "Why you're going to be fighting three of the best in our class by yourself in the defensive position, L/n. I want to know why you wanted to be expelled yesterday, and why you thought it was good that I didn't want to talk to you yesterday, and you were so distant, but now you're happy for everyone to call you by your first name and seem to be friends with Uraraka. Also, why you're not wearing a hero costume, just your P.E uniform." He finished his words carefully, and I let a small smile tug at the corner of my lips. 

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that." I said, and watched as his expression grew frustrated. "I'm sorry, I would if I was allowed to." Now he tilted his head in confusion.

"Who says you can't?" I sighed. I felt I had to answer at least one of his questions, but I wasn't able to. Maybe it would be okay to just answer this one, after all, I could swear him to secrecy and it wouldn't give him too much information.

"Fine. The U.A Staff, and I don't really want to either." I frowned. "Stupid Midoriya, for being such a fanboy." I muttered, thinking Todoroki couldn't hear me.

"You don't want to say? And why does Midoriya being a fanboy have anything to do with this?" My eyes widened.

"Nothing. Um, maybe we should get back, your match might be the next one." I panicked, and ran over to him. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I quickly hummed something and pushed him, running to catch up as I blew him a few blocks down the street.

"Sorry!" I called, running past him quickly.

"Hey..." He said, as he ran to catch up with me, now keeping pace and running beside me. Not gonna lie, I was slightly impressed at his athleticism. 

"Would you want to be, um, friends?" He stuttered out. I stopped in my tracks, and he ran past me before realising I'd stopped.

"Why?" I looked at him. He looked down.

"Well, you seem powerful. And maybe have views on U.A somewhat like mine, and maybe it might be easier to get through this with a friends." He muttered the last bit, and I stared at him incredulous. Was it possible he'd found out who I was and wanted to suck up to me for an easy rise up the ranks? No, his father was Endeavour, so he wouldn't need to. As far as I could tell, he didn't have any ulterior motive other than wanting to be friends.

"Sure." I smiled at him, before dashing ahead. "IMA BEAT YOU, YOU CANDY CANE!" I shouted over my shoulder, before humming a soft melody and using my wind to run faster.

"Oh no you don't." I heard the voice come from behind me, too close for my liking. I turned to see Todoroki right on my heels.

"Ack! How'd you get there?!" I exclaimed as he froze the ground. At the last second, I used the air to position me off the ground slightly and kept running. He started to skate, in a way. He was actually keeping up.

"Hmph." I playfully sulked. "You're actually kinda okay at this." He looked at me, offended.

"Okay?" He called indignantly, shooting forward, and overtaking me. I jumped up, and followed suit, overtaking him.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT HANG ON THAT'S THE BUILDING WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE FIGHTING IN, RIGHT?" I yelled at him, solidifying the air in front of us as we crashed to a halt. There was a hole blown right through the centre of it, and Midoriya was being carried away on a stretcher.

"Whelp, I guess you're up next." I turned and smiled at Todoroki. He nodded silently at me, placing his hand on the ground and evaporating the path of ice he'd created.

"Wow, didn't know you could do that." I tilted my head at him again. "I look forward to fighting you in my match." I winced internally at the hidden compliment I'd just payed him, calling him one of the three best in the class. He nodded again without a word, and went inside to get ready. 

Twenty minutes later, I watched him freeze the newly repaired building and capture the weapon in record time.

"Wow..." I breathed as he defrosted the entire thing. That boy really was something.

I smirked. Maybe I'd offer for him to be my sidekick.

The Fairy's Song (Shoto Todoroki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now