Battle Training

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The forceful gale that tears the trees, that is a fairy's rage. The whistling wind that brings the rain, that is a fairy's tears. The joyful draught, dancing through the leaves, that is a fairy's laughter. The gentle breeze that guides the heart, that is the fairy song.


I didn't pay attention to any battles after Todoroki's. I just sat in the corner while everyone participated in the class. I was taking a nap.

"Hey, Young Y/n. Y/n? Y/n!!" I heard someone call my name, shaking me.

"Oof, I'm awake you idiot." I pushed the person off me, standing up. It was then I realised I'd just called the number one hero an idiot.

"Oh, sorry, All Might." I yawned, not particularly bothered by the stares of my classmates. "My turn?" I questioned, looking up.

"That's perfectly fine, Young Y/n, and yes." His trademark grin seemed to get wider. "You'll be versing Young Yaoyorozu, Young Bakugou and-"

"Todoroki?" I tilted my head, smiling in anticipation.

"Yes." He nodded approvingly.

"Alright." I stood up, cracking my neck from side to side and bending backwards, stretching. "Let's get this over with." I smiled at them, walking to the door. I was smiling a lot today. 

"I'll win." I turned around and winked at Bakugou, who was fuming on the side of the room. "And this time I'll do it without taking all the air out of your lungs." I sashayed out the door as annoyingly as I could, before walking across the street to hide my fake nuclear weapon.

"I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE A SECOND TIME TODAY!" Bakugou raged in the corner, stomping towards the door.

"I-I'm not sure about this." Momo stuttered, trailing after Bakugou, trying to make sense of the situation.

"We're going to win." Momo turned at the sound of Todoroki's voice. Steeling her nerves, she nodded.

"THAT COCKY EXTRA! IMA BLOW HER TO BITS." Bakugou slammed the door open and trudged down the stairs, muttering angrily.

"Okay! I'm ready!" I called over my communication device. I'd hid the bomb on the roof, knowing that it being in the open air would give be an advantage. The air around it was swirling in a tornado, with it at the centre. Said tornado would hopefully blow everyone who tried to get near it away.

As expected, as soon as we were allowed to start, the entire building froze. Literally, ice spread over the entire structure, creeping over the roof. I snorted; they would have to do better than that. Both the weapon and I were hovering slightly off the ground. They probably thought I was actually in the building somewhere, so I'd have a bit of time to kill. 

I figured I may as well put them out of their misery and call them up. I started to sing.

Now, when I sing it doesn't always have to control the wind, or anything else. Sometimes it can just be a pure, beautiful melody. The only problem is, because I'm a fairy the song evokes extreme emotion. So I had to pick the song carefully.

Well, he said
There's nothing like your smile
Sort of subtle and perfect and real
He said
You never knew how wonderful
That smile could make someone feel

The door leading to the roof popped open, as the hero team heard the sweet melody. They looked peaceful, slightly longing but happy at the same time. It was weird to see Bakugou without an angry frown.

And he knew
Whenever you get bored
You scribble stars on the cuffs of your jeans
And he noticed
That you still fill out the quizzes
That they put in those teen magazines

The Fairy's Song (Shoto Todoroki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now