His Story

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The forceful gale that tears the trees, that is a fairy's rage. The whistling wind that brings the rain, that is a fairy's tears. The joyful draught, dancing through the leaves, that is a fairy's laughter. The gentle breeze that guides the heart, that is the fairy song.


I had gotten the notification this morning. The fact that we had a few days off school was a good opportunity for something I wanted to try for a while now, and it wasn't like I'd get in major trouble for breaking the school uniform code, I did it every day. May as well make it fun.

Currently, it was 7am and I was walking around the shops looking for some merchandise. The USJ attack had been all over the news, so I hoped what I was looking for was already available.

"Rumour has it, that the Fairy hero: Titania is attending UA, in the very same class that was attacked by the League of Villains. What are your thoughts on this, Akira?" I flinched as I heard my hero name on the TV in the store next door, and drew my hoodie closer around me. I looked up, spotting what I had come here for. I grinned.



"I'm back!" I called out to Shoto, slamming open the door and walking through,  my arms laden with bags of clothing.

"What's in the bags?" Said boy walked up and tried to open one, before I snatched it away.

"No looking, ice boy." I scurried behind him and quickly made my way to the elevator, leaving him muttering 'ice boy?' with a very confused look on his face.

As soon as I got to my room, I dumped my treasure on the bed. Opening the bags to check everything was there. I smirked. The looks on their faces when we got back were going to be priceless.

I stuffed the bags in a corner, before heading back out the door and downstairs to where Shoto was.

"Oh hey Shoto, do you want me to make dinner?" He looked up from where he was still muttering, and nodded slightly.

"You can cook?" I scoffed.

"Of course I can, I lived on my own for around a year." His eyes widened the smallest bit before he got up and followed me into the kitchen.

"I've been meaning to ask..." He started, and I groaned.

"That's never a good sign when I sentence starts like that." He looked at me weirdly, before continuing.

"I've been meaning to ask what actually happened to you. All the public really knows is that you're the last fairy, your home was attacked and you became a hero very young. I want to know what really happened, and if I can help you in any way." When he started, he'd been getting the soba noodles out of the fridge, but now he was standing right in front of me, the noodles on the bench, his hands gripping my shoulders.

"Shoto..." I trailed off, my eyes drifting away from his heterochromatic eyes, looking anywhere in the room except for them. I looked down, biting my lip.

"What about you? You're father is Endeavour, and you have a burn scar. Has he hurt you in any way?" The boy's expression darkened.

"I'll tell you if you tell me." He bent down slightly, so we were eye level. I avoided his gaze, turning around to prepare the soba, but cold as I knew he liked it.

"Um, let me think of how to phrase it. Do you want to go first?" I kept my eyes glued to the bench, until I felt warm arms wrap around my waist, hugging me from behind. 

"Sure." His voice was quiet, and I could tell he wouldn't push it if I really didn't want to tell him. Something told me he had some sort of experience with a traumatic childhood.

"You've heard of quirk marriages, yes?" I nodded against his cheek, as his chin was now rested on my shoulder as I made our dinner. For some reason, nothing about it was weird, or uncomfortable at all.

"My father pain my mother's family, and forced her into a quirk marriage with him, so he could create a child with both his and my mother's quirk. He wanted a masterpiece, and that's all I am to him. Something he created, an object for him to do with as he wishes." He sighed, and I could feel his breath tickling my ear. I reached my clean hand up and cupped his right cheek, his left still resting on mine. It was a small gesture, but he understood. He could keep going, and I would support him.

"As soon as my quirk manifested, he pounced. He trained me, forced me away from my siblings and limited my contact with other people. I've never even watched a movie." I looked up, staring straight ahead as to not put us in the awkward situation of me turning my head, and finding us as close as we were.

"YOU'VE NEVER WATCHED A MOVIE?" I yelped, before covering my mouth, and nodding apologetically for him to continue. He smiled, softly.

"Yeah." There was a few seconds of silence. "I got this burn scar when I was six years old. I overheard my mother on the phone, telling my grandmother how she couldn't raise me any more. She said she was going to run away, and that sometimes my left side reminded her of my father. That was before she threw boiling water on my face." I gasped, as his chin left my shoulder, his hand reaching up to cover his left eye. 

I turned around to face him, and gently reached up. Taking his hand in mine, I lowered it. We stood there for a minutes, my hand now in his, and I couldn't tear my gaze away from his beautiful cerulean eye. 

"Ever since, I refused to use my father's power, my left side. He wants me to surpass All Might, I will do so without utilizing his quirk. I want to reject him." He was looking down now, his eyes fixed on our hands.

"Shoto. Look at me." I commanded him, my free hand raising to his chin, forcing his head up. "I know you greatly dislike your father, for valid reasons. But..." I looked up at him, almost pleadingly. "It's your power, not his." 

He refused to meet my eyes, his own travelling around the room. 

"I-I just don't know if I can accept it now. It might..." He trailed off once again, and I hugged him. He looked like he needed a hug.

As his arms wrapped around my smaller body, I could feel moisture seeping through my shirt. I stroked his hair softly, trying my best to calm him.

So that was his story.



Seriously, thank you so so much, I really appreciate it💜

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