Dorm Buddy

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The forceful gale that tears the trees, that is a fairy's rage. The whistling wind that brings the rain, that is a fairy's tears. The joyful draught, dancing through the leaves, that is a fairy's laughter. The gentle breeze that guides the heart, that is the fairy song.

Some Todoroki fluff in this :D


The first time I woke, I saw Recovery Girl, her head turned to the side, talking to someone with red and white hair, perched on the end of my bed. I barely had time to register Todoroki before I slipped back into unconsciousness. 

The second time the room was empty, and all I could see was blinding white, lights on overhead. The sick bay. It must be night. I thought, before, once again, darkness overtook me.

The third, I woke to the smell of food. I turned my head, eyes barely open, and spotted a plate of cold soba next to me. The room was still empty, and I didn't particularly feel like eating again, so I turned my head and went back to sleep.

The fourth time I sat up. I shook my head, clearing out all of the grogginess from sleeping. 

"Good, you're awake." Recovery girl's voice sounded, and I turned so quickly I almost got whiplash. 

"Oh, hi." My voice was croaky, and I looked around to see if there was any water. The youthful hero held out her hand, which was clutching a glass of water. I gladly grasped it, and raised it to my lips, sipping it.

"I was able to heal your broken leg, and that nasty cut in your back." I nodded slowly.

"What about my wing?" I didn't dare to look behind me, already knowing the answer. It was something all fairies had known, but I still wanted to hear confirmation.

"I think you know, dear. I can't sew it back together, as I don't have the needle and thread. I trust you do though?" I nodded again, in confirmation. 

"I think I can do it, just let me go to my room-" I tried to stand up from the bed, but slipped. 

"You definitely will not, miss, at least not without help." A knock could be heard at the door.

"You can come in!" She called, and the door opened, revealing a boy with red and white hair, his mismatched eyes never looking quite so beautiful.

"Hey. You're awake." He walked in and perched on the end of the hospital bed, like it was a habit. I suppose it was, if my suspicions were correct.

"Thank you." I made eye contact, trying to let him know I was serious. He averted his eyes, blushing slightly.

"Thank you for what?" He looked slightly like a puppy

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"Thank you for what?" He looked slightly like a puppy.

"Thanks for being here. Thank you for carrying me back to the pros. Thank you for the soba. Thanks for just being a great friend in general." His eyes had found their way back to mine again.

"All right you two, if you want to be all lovey dovey save it for the dorms, and take it out of my hospital

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"All right you two, if you want to be all lovey dovey save it for the dorms, and take it out of my hospital." Recovery girl reprimanded us, and I blushed, both of us stuttering about how we weren't being 'lovey dovey' while she just tapped her nose.

"Todoroki, I trust you'll be able to help her?" He nodded slightly, and she smiled.

"Good, then I'll leave her to you." She bustled out, and left us in silence. After a few moments I broke it.

"So, um, would you be able to help me to my dorm?" He nodded, and bent down, offering his arm. I placed my hand on it, and he shifted my weight to his shoulder. I slid off the bed and managed to walk a few steps before I collapsed again.

"I-I'm sorry, I should be mostly healed." I felt dizzy and light headed. My eyes could barely focus on his face.

"That's okay." His arm slid around my back, and his other one in the crook of my knee, and picked me up, bridal style. My head was resting on his chest, my body pressed up against his. I could hear his heartbeat, I could feel it through my fingertips.

"Is this okay?" He looked down at me, curled up in his arms. For once, I didn't feel like a student, daughter, or pro with expectations to live up to. I just felt like a normal teenage girl, being carried by a normal teenage boy.

"Yeah." I breathed, and he started walking out the door. It was a few minutes before I realised where we were going.

"Wait, you know about the dorms?" I blinked at him, and his head turned down, meeting my gaze.

"Oh yeah. Mr Aizawa asked for a volunteer to live there with you. I still need to get my old man to sign the form, but I'm going to be your new dorm buddy." I started. I'd forgotten about what Nemuri had said; and Todoroki of all people? Didn't the staff have some sort of 'no one teenage girl can live by themselves with any one teenage boy' or something?

"O-oh. That sounds nice..." I trailed off, not meaning to sound as sceptical as I did.

"If you don't want me there it's okay-"

"No, no, it might actually be nice to have a friend there." I paused for a second, trying to think of the best way to word it. "I just don't want to annoy you or anything. You must be more comfortable in your own home-" I stopped, remembering who his father was.

"You've worked with my father before, right?" Todoroki asked suddenly, and I nodded against his chest. 

"What was he like?" He sounded unsure, like he didn't want to know, but at the same time there was a yearning in him that did.

"He was... stern. Serious. He did the job that needed to be done, and left. He's a hero in the barest sense of the word." I told him quietly, not wanting to upset him with my answer.

"Thank you." He sounded genuinely grateful, and a small flower of warmth bloomed inside me. He stopped, and my eyes left the fabric of his shirt. We'd arrived at the dorms.

The Fairy's Song (Shoto Todoroki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now