Yeah, I Can Sew

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The forceful gale that tears the trees, that is a fairy's rage. The whistling wind that brings the rain, that is a fairy's tears. The joyful draught, dancing through the leaves, that is a fairy's laughter. The gentle breeze that guides the heart, that is the fairy song.

More Todoroki fluff :D


Todoroki POV ;)

"Hello, father?" I had put Y/n down on her bed, and wandered across the floor to my room. The door was currently closed and I hoped she couldn't hear anything, even though it was nearly impossible.

"Shoto? Where are you? You should be home by now." Endeavour's voice sounded over the phone, and I resisted the urge to freeze it and throw it across the room.

"I'm at the U.A dorms. I told you that I would be staying there, and you said you would sign the form." There was a second of silence.

"Who else is staying there?"

"Y/n L/n." I hesitated, not wanting to say what I knew he would recognise. "Titania?" I could practically hear his nod.

"Yes, okay Shoto, you can stay. She has a very powerful quirk. I'm glad to hear you want to stay at U.A and work harder for your hero training." I blanched, disgusted.

"What does her having a powerful quirk have to do with me staying?" I practically spat at him through the phone. I was getting angry, as the silence stretched longer.

"Shoto? Stay safe okay?" I frowned at the phone.

"So your 'masterpiece' doesn't get hurt? Sure, dad." I hung up, and stared at the phone a while longer. At least I had the permission to stay.

I got up, and walked out the door to Y/n's room.


I heard a knock at the door. It was probably Todoroki; we were living together now. What a weird thought.

"Just a second!" I finished changing and opened the door after much struggle to get across the room.

"Are you okay?" His gaze travelled down my body, following my wings where my left one lay limp and torn. I sighed.

"To be honest, not really. But come in." I held the door open and he walked in, perching on my bed after I gestured for him to.

"Can you sew? I know that kind of a weird question to ask, but..." I trailed off yet again, not knowing how to finish the sentence.

"Yeah? I can kind of sew." He replied and I let out a breath of relief.

"Okay, I'm so sorry to ask this of you, but would you be able to help me? I can't really do it because every time I twist the pain makes me flinch, but never mind, you don't have to-"

"Just tell me what you want me to do." I lowered my eyes, not willing to see the soft smile he was wearing.

"You're laughing at me." I pouted, pointing an accusing finger in his direction as I sat down next to him on the bed, reaching out to grab a box off my desk.

"Yeah, guilty as charged." His hands gently took the box from mine, and shifted me around so I was sitting in his lap, my back to him.

"I'm assuming you want me to try and sew your wing shut?" I nodded shyly in confirmation as a red flush crept up my neck. I wasn't yet used to the fact that I was sitting in my (extremely hot) friend's lap. 

He opened the box and took out the smallest needle, and a coppery thread. I turned my head slightly to see him staring at it in awe.

"That's a different type of spiderweb. Fairies used to use it to sew their wings together when they got torn, or cut." I quietly informed him of what he was holding. He nodded, and tried to thread it through the needle. I gently took his hands in mine and helped him.

"Turn around." He commanded, leaning back. quickly did as he said.

"Um, don't take this the wrong way, but I can't get to the bottom of the wing because of the shirt..." He awkwardly fiddled with his hands.

"Oh, okay." I carefully slid my shirt off, avoiding his eyes, trying to hide the raging blush on my cheeks. I felt his hands gently slide across my back to the left wing. As soon as he started to thread the needle through the delicate wing the pain came.

It was like I could feel every atom in my body, and ever single one was screaming for the pain to stop. But I sat there quietly, knowing that after it was over my wing could heal properly. Plus, I might have an even higher pain tolerance. Finally, after an hour and a half, it was over.

"Sorry, I could tell that hurt." I heard the faint snap! of the box closing. I turned around, and was about to thank him before I realised I still didn't have a shirt on.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry." I grabbed my shirt and hurriedly put it back on, wincing as my wing was pushed down before it unfolded through the slit.

"That's okay. I hope I did the job properly." I turned to see my wing; a coppery line ran over where the tear used to be, but it was sealed.

"You did brilliantly, thank you." I reached out to hug him, and he returned it. I was content to sit there for a while, before he moved.

"It's almost time to go to bed." I heard his voice murmur, his hand stroking through my hair. I sighed, nodding regretfully.

"Yeah." I turned, about to stand up before his voice, once again halted me.

"Wait." I was standing now, and turned back to him.

"Mm?" I hummed, and he gestured for me to sit on the floor right in front of where he was. Cautiously, I walked back towards him and slid onto the floor, facing him, in between his legs. He gestured for me to turn around as he grabbed something else off my desk. I blushed, as I felt my hairbrush run through my hair, combing it. I could hear Todoroki's voice quietly counting to 100 under his breath, another number each stroke.

When he finished, I felt something light brush the top of my head. If I didn't know better, I could have sworn he'd just kissed me, too gently for most people to feel. I turned around, smiling softly and he offered me his hand. I took it, and stood up.

"Hey, Todoroki-"

"Shoto. We're living together now, so please call me Shoto." I smiled at him.

"Thank you, Shoto. For everything." Before he walked out the door, I hesitated before reaching up to kiss his cheek. His hand flew to his face, as I whispered another goodnight and closed the door.

For once, when I slept, I didn't have nightmares.

For once, when I slept, I didn't have nightmares

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There you go, some nice, sweet Todoroki fluff. (BTW, his face at the end there is him after Y/n kissed his cheek.) Could you tell me what you think of this story so far? (When I wrote this, the prologue hasn't been published yet xD) But anyway, thank you for reading this💖y'all are amazing.

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