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Elizabeth's party dress ⬆️

"Why do we always get stuck planning his birthday party?" Mary whined, "We don't get stuck. He's our friend." James said, pointing his wand at the red and gold banners and placing them around the arch way in the common room. "Liz did you get the fire whiskey from that 7th year like you said you would?"

    James asked me, "No I got busy, but I guess I could do it know" James turned to me and sighed, "Sirius's birthday is the second most important birthday day of the year, mine being the first, obviously." I giggled slightly "Obviously." " Elizabeth this is not a joke." James stared at me with a stern look.

    "Yeah liz this is important." Mary laughed. "Don't mock me Macdonald. You have a job to do, and so do you Montgomery so seriously go do it." " Ok, ok i'm going."

   "I really want to trust that you could do that by yourself but since I don't, Remus go with her." James said,  pointing at Remus before turning back to the streamers. Remus set his wand down and we walked out of Gryffindor tower together, "I wish he wasn't such a git every year." Remus sighed, "Me too, I mean I know he and Sirius are close but it's bloody annoying." I said staring straight, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Imagine how I feel, I have to share a dorm with both of them." I laughed as we entered the Ravenclaw common room, I had gotten the
password from and old friend of mine. I walked over to a boy who was sitting on a small royal blue couch by a large fire place, he had curly blonde hair and was slightly taller than Remus when he stood up. "You're Elizabeth right?" He smiled at me, "Yeah" I smiled back.

Remus stood and watched the exchange. "Here" The tall boy said handing me a small bag, I opened the bag, it seemed empty. The boy bent down slightly bringing his mouth to my ear and whispering, "Disillusionment Charm." He brung his head back, he had a sly look, I mirrored his look and handed him a small pouch of galleons. He thanked me and Remus and I made our way out of the large blue and purple room.

Once we arrived back at the common room it was already completely decorated, the ceiling had bright red and gold streamers hanging from it, they where also rapped around lamps and picture frames throughout the common room. There was a large table near the corner of the room, it had food covering it from left to right. There was a large bowl of punch in the middle, I walked over to the bowl pouring one of the bottles into it. "Took you long enough." James nearly shouted from behind me, I jumped slightly splashing a bit of fire whiskey on the table.

"Really James. Inside voice." Lily said standing beside me now. " Oh cool it Evans. It's Sirius's birthday. There's no such thing" He smiled, Lily did not exchange the look. "Anyyywayy" Remus interjected, "Where is everyone?"

    "They'll be here soon don't worry." Mary smirked, "Now come on girls, we need to get ready." She said, grabbing Lily and I's hands, pulling us up to the our dorm. Lily wore a beautiful short red slip dress and red strap heels, Mary wore an off the shoulder, short blue dress and tall boot-heels, and Marlene wore a short sleeve rolling stones shirt tucked into high waisted bell bottoms with short heeled boots. I decided on a brown flower dress with flared arms and knee-high white 'gogo' boots.


"How many of those have you had?!" Lily asked in a concerned tone, grabbing the cup of witches brew out of my hand "Enough." I giggled, falling into the chair by the fire place. "Christ moony just bugger off will ya." Sirius sighed collapsing on to the couch next to me.

"I just think you're being stupid is all." Remus spat, his arms where crossed and he had a red cup filled with some type of liquor in it in his hand. " I'm allowed to be stupid in my birthday." "Forgive me I didn't know it was your birthday everyday Sirius." "Oi! Don't 'Sirius' me you git! I don't have to listen to anything you say! It's my birthday! I should be dancing and having fun, not sitting here arguing with you.

Sirius stood up, "Come on Liz, let's dance." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the chair.
Within seconds we were swaying together, his hips where moving gently against my back. His breath was hot against my neck and his hands where running up and down my sides, it felt good. I turned around so we where facing each other, his mouth was parted slightly, he rested his forehead against mine for a moment, grabbing my hips and pulling them into his.

"Do you want to go back to my dorm? I think I have some muggle weed." He whispered into my ear, I agreed to go with him and we made our way up the small staircase to his room. No one else was there. We sat down on his bed and He began rolling a joint. I watched his tongue glide across the paper.

He held the joint to my mouth, lighting the tip with his wand. We took turns taking hits and soon my vision became blurred and my brain felt fuzzy. We couldn't stop laughing, everything was so funny. "Ya know what would be really funny-" Sirius laughed, "- if we- if we like shagged." I laughed for a moment before I saw him leaning in slowly, his hand handing sliding up my dress.

"Sirius." I said letting out a sigh, he simply responded with a "Mhmm" type noise. I let him continue, running his hand's up thru my hair, sliding off my dress. He began kissing me, he tasted liked fire whiskey, I assume I do to. He had already taken off his shirt and began unbuckling his trousers.

Well he did this I unclipped my bra, letting my breast fall slightly to my sides. Sirius let out a long sigh, pushing his face between my boobs well bringing his eyes to mine. My stomach fluttered for a moment and I brung my eyes up to the canopy above his bed. He kissed me on neck as he began pulling off my underwear. Within seconds he was inside of me, he felt amazing, his cock was warm and it twitched slightly as he moved his hips.

He pushed my knees up to my sides, allowing himself to go deeper inside of me. I let out a moan and my eyes rolled back. "Fucking hell" he moaned. He began speeding up, I wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him closer to me. After about 10 minutes he started speeding up again, rocking his hips harder against mine,"Fuck- I - i'm coming" He moaned into my neck. I was close too, I began bucking my hips against his to get closer to release.

After it was over we are laid next to each other, breathing heavily. I sat up after and few minutes sliding my clothes back on and picking my boots up in my hands. I turned around to face Sirius, he was laying with his lower half under the covers. "We can't tell anyone about this." He stared at me for a second, I could tell he was about to answer before a voice from door said "Tell anyone what?" It was Remus.

He looked at the two of us, his eyes going back and forth a few times. It didn't take to long for it to click, his eyes went wide and his face turned bright red. I couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or angry, it looked to be both. "Oh! Ew!" He shot a pointed look at Sirius before slamming the door and running back down the stairs.


Moonage Daydream; Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now