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Sorry this chapter is kinda all over the place

   I stood in the shower letting the water run down my body, trying to remember what happened last night. My head began to hurt so I sat down on the shower floor, wrapping my arms around my legs and leaning my head back against the wall. Okay so I came back to the common room, went to the boys dormitory, than we smoked for a little while, got drunk. What else happened? I said something to Remus, what did I say?

"I fancy you too."

  Shit. Did I really say that? I slapped my hand to my forehead,  I swear to Godric if he remembers- "LIZ!" Mary shouted thru the door, "LIZ GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!" I got up, shut off the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. "You don't have to yell ya'know."

    I said to Mary as I left the bathroom. "Liz, I don't want to freak you out or anything-" She paused, "There's a snake in the room somewhere."  My stomach dropped, a snake?! A fucking snake?! I've been terrified of snakes sense I was 5, I can't even walk past a slytherin banner without almost gagging.

    I ran to my trunk and put on underwear and my robe and ran out of the dorm, the girls followed. I crashed directly into James, "OI! Watch where you're going!" "There is a snake in our room James." Mary said, standing behind me.

    "Oh no, not a snake!" Sirius mocked, slapping both hands to his face. "Shut up, you would  freak out to if it was in your room." Lily spat at him, hiding behind Mary. "No I wouldn't, I'm a man.

   We know how to deal with things."  Marlene walked over to him and slapped the back of his neck, "Shut it ya git, snakes are fucking disgusting and I know for a fact you would scream like a little baby. James remember that time Sirius found a bug in quidditch  uniform." Marlene laughed. "That was different it was a spider and those can be poisonous ya know."

   He spat at her, "Snakes can be poisonous too Sirius." "Really?!" He looked genuinely shocked. I brung my hand up to my mouth to cover my smile, what a bloody idiot.  I had relaxed a little now, I looked around the common room to see who was there.

   A few first years where studying in the far left corner and near a window by the stairs about three or four 7th years where smoking. I looked at the couch, Sirius, Remus, and Peter where sitting on it. Remus had his eyes fixed on me. It took me a moment  to realize why, I was standing there, in a silk robe that ended just above me knees, it wasn't tied properly so my tits where almost hanging out and I had water dripping off my hair down my collar bone.

     I crossed my arms trying to cover myself. He must have noticed because he quickly looked away. "I'm going to go get Dumbledore." Marlene said, leaving the group. "Why is she getting  Dumbledore?" peter asked.

  "The snake." Lily and Mary replied in unison. "Oh right." He began reading his book again. "What are you reading Wormy?"

    Sirius asked, looking over at Peter's book, he quickly closed it and moved to the chair across from him. "It's none of your business." He said, opening it again, the book had a blank cover so you couldn't tell what it was. Dumbledore came after a few minutes and the snake problem was solved, there was a small note tied to it that read "Meet me in the astronomy tour tonight-  sev" "He's such a weirdo." Mary said, falling back on to her bed.

    "He's not weird, he's just eccentric." Lily said behind  her magazine. "Can we not talk about Snape he gives me the creeps." Marlene said, sitting on Mary's bed. "So Liz" she started, "When are you going to tell Remus you fancy him?"

     "I already did." I grabbed a cigarette out of the drawer next to my bed and lit it. "You did?!" Lily sat up, looking at me. "When?!" 

    Mary asked. "Last night." "We where all together last night tho." Marlene said, "Yeah, you guys where there." "Bloody hell how did we not notice?"

Moonage Daydream; Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now