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~Peter P.O.V.~

I couldn't help myself but feel sorry for the man in front of me. I was probably even more shocked to find out he pretty much wore his mask all the time. I watched as he grabbed the bottom of his masked and peeled it up off his head, inhaling as he did so. I stared at his face for a while and only one word came to mind. "Beautiful" I said quietly. Wade's eyes snapped open at the word and let out the breath that he was holding.

"Uhm pete, I think your talking about some one else, because I am anything but beautiful" he said gesturing to his face. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

"Fine, your not beautiful, your handsome, gorgeous, etcetera Wade" I said cupping his face in my hands. He froze at the contact. His skin was covered with scabs, burns, and what not that where constellations moving and changing, it also had an interesting soft yet rough texture to it. I smiled at him and kissed his fore head.

"So you're not going to stab me with a pitch fork or light me on fire?" He asked moving my hands off his face.

"Of course not, why would I?"

"Because I'm uglier then Frankenstien's monster" he said looking at our intertwined hands.

I sighed. "Wade your not ugly to me, your beautiful on the inside and out side, well besides killing for money but that has nothing to do with this conversation at all. And if you think your so quote un quote ugly that just means no one is going to try to steal you away from me" I said pulling him into a hug earning a grin from the merc.

"Fine you win this argument Peter and bonus points for cheering me up slightly with the whole no one stealing me from you, but of course we have to be in a dating relationship before we can prevent any one from stealing me from you" I chuckled at his logic.

"Fine, Wade would you, you know, like to be my boyfriend?"

"Hmm I don't know peter, your kinda high maintenance for my life style" I shot him a glare but he just smiled "of course I'll be your boyfriend Peter" I smiled back and gave him a quick peck on the lips. " Really not even a full kiss?" He said shooting me and annoyed look.

"Hey we agreed that on our date Saturday I'd give you a 'full' kiss" I defended. He rolled his eyes then started tickling me.We ended up having a tickling war but I had no chance of winning since wade was much stronger then me and easily repined me every time I tried moving away. I ended up just giving up and started to figure out how to use my web shooters with out him noticing, but that plan was short lived due to my phone ringing from the living room. "Wade I need to get that" I said gently pushing him away, he obeyed and followed me into the living room and wrapped his arms around my waist as I answered my phone "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Peter Parker I'm speaking to?"

"Yes it is"

"Is May Parker your Aunt?" My heart sank fearing the worst.

"Yes she is, is everything ok?"

"No, she's at the hospital with life threatening injuries, we wanted to inform you so that you could be able to say goodbye" my legs gave out and thank god Wade was still holding onto me.

"What where her injuries and what hospital is she at?"

"She was shot" the man on the other line said then rattled off the hospital's name, I said a thanks the hung up and turned to Wade.

"We need to get to the hospital, Aunt May was shot"

"What one?" he asked embracing me again. I said the name then suddenly we where in front of the hospital and I was feeling sick and ended up falling into Wade. "Sorry but teleporting was the quickest way even though it's some times hard to handle" Wade said helping me stand up and walk into the hospital.

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