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~Peter P.O.V.~

I rolled my eyes at Bruce as we went over how I was doing medically for the millionth time that day. Bruce turned and studied the holographic screen filled with medical notes. I looked around the lab out of boredom then smiled when I caught Clint watching his husband from the rafters.

"Hun your not going to learn any thing else from grilling Parker. Let him and Steve explain what happened then maybe something will piece together." The archer called down. Bruce pushed his glasses further up his nose.

"Only is you promise that you will stop breaking into the lab while I'm working." He said as clint hopped down from the beams.

"Not fair but since I love you its a deal." Clint said before giving Bruce a chaste kiss. I smiled at the couple then left Bruce's lab and headed to the nearest living room catching the smell of greasy Mexican food.

"Wade you better have saved some for me!" I called out, I was starving since from the moment I had woken up Bruce was asking me medical questions, plus having a freakishly high metabolism didn't help very much.

"Of course I saved some for my spider." Wade said smiling at me as I sat down beside him. I took the chimichunga he handed me and happily bit into savouring the taste. It had been two days since I had died, it was weird thinking about the fact I had died but had come back to life. Wade kissed my check pulling me out of my thoughts and putting a smile on my face. I turned and gave him a kiss just as Tony, Bruce, and Clint walked into the living room.

"I swear it's more like you and wade are the married couple rather then Bruce and Clint here." Tony teased causing a blush to appear on mine and wade's faces. Subconsinsly my hand flitted to my hoodie's pocket feeling the ring box under the fabric. I had gotten Steve to pick up the box from mine and Wade's house so that Wade wouldn't come across it.

"Shut up Stark." Wade said as the crimson color finally drained from both of our faces.

"Hey just saying" Tony said raising his hands defensively as he sat down beside Steve then wrapped an arm around the super soldiers shoulders.

"So can you and Steve explain what happened?" Bruce said grabbing a note book and pen from the coffee table.

"Well Wade had a job and was gone when I woke, my spidey sense started going off, but it's kinda been weird the past while, and-" I started saying before I was cut off by Bruce.

"What do you mean by it's been being 'weird'?"

"It's constantly going off, like something really bad is going to happen in the future, but some times it gets stronger even when there's no imedeant threats around." I said thinking back to the weirdness that's been happening over the last year or so. Bruce jotted down a few notes.

"Ok, continue with your story." He said pushing up his glasses.

"My spider sense had went off a couple times but I had thought that I was just being paranoid, I took a shower then after I got dressed Red was just chilling in mine and Wade's bedroom, then she shot me with this trank gun then to make a long story short she gave me an injection of this weird green liquid which caused me to feel like I was burring from the inside out, then I passed out from the pain." Wade wrapped and an arm around me and gangly pulled me closer to him. " After I passed out I woke up to Steve and Red talking, Steve made sure I was ok then Red came in with three glasses of blood-"

"Actually yours was the only one with blood in it. I'm sorry I hadn't known. Usually Red wouldn't do something like that since she's a vegetarian and she usably doesn't harm or pull tricks on people I'm close to." Steve cut in.

"Well thats good she has some thing against Peter here then!" Wade growled.

"Guys let's get back to the task on hand and speculate later to what Red's plans are." Bruce sighed obviously tired of every ones shanagines. Wade slouched back against the couch sulking and shooting Steve death glares.

"Anyways after the wine mishap she took me down this hallway and into this really random panelled room then shot me with machine guns, I died, then you guys found me." I finished. Bruce wrote down a few more notes then looked at Steve.

"What's you side of the story?" Bruce asked raising an eyebrow.

"Long story short, Red invited me out to lunch to catch up on old times since we hadn't seen each other since I was trapped in ice and she is a close friend despite our contradicting morals. I agreed, and we ate lunch at a restaurant that was around back in our time. Afterwords she knocked me out and I woke up in her basement and Peter was on a bed with burn marks all over him but the slowly went away, kinda like when Wade or Logan get injured. Then Red kept poking Peter with a knife throughout the wall, and I keep telling her to stop. eventually she came in with the wine, and Peter already explained that, Then she and Peter left and what felt like probably ten minutes then she came back alone, knocked me out again then Wade found me. Sorry I don't have much more to offer." Steve said running a hand through his hair. Bruce tapped his pen on the notebook thoughtfully then looked back up at Steve.

"What did you and Red talk about?"

"Not much, mainly how times have changed... wait she had mentioned that she had just finished an experiment and wanted to test it out on someone, maybe thats what happened to Peter?" Steve suggested.

"Seems like the most reasonable answer for what happened to Peter." Tony chirped in.

"I agree with Tony but Steve I want you to tell me a bit more about Red to see what she's planning since heroes and villains seem to be afraid of her." Bruce said still staring at his notes as he stood up.

"Sure thing." Steve said getting us and headed over to bruce.

"Wanna get some fresh air?" Wade asked as he stood up in front of me taking my hands in his.

"Sounds like a good plan." I replied allowing the mercy to pull me up off the couch. He smiled then lead me to the elevators. We stood in a peaceful silence during the elevator trip just enjoying each others company. We left Stark tower and wondered around the neighbourhood playfully teasing each other. After some times Wade checked his phone.

"I guess we should get back to the tower." Wade said squeezing my hand.

"Probably." I replied as we headed back to Tony's block.

"Ya know I think Tony ships us as much as I ship him and Steve." Wade said smelling as we started across the street. I was about to respond to him when a shadow suddenly loomed over us. There was a crunch, then darkness, and once again Lady Death.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: I'm so sorry its taken me forever and a half to update this story, I just having really been in the mood to write much lately so I've been doing other things. anyways don't hate me for killing Wade and Peter (don't worry they will come back to life) its all part of my plan for this fanfic. Once again I'm so sorry that i took forever to update and those who are reading this I thank you for being patient with my lack of updates. One more thing before I end this note I started a Let's play channel on youtube so if you guys want to watch I have the link on my profile, and once more I'm so sorry for never updating.

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