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~Peter's P.O.V.~

"Did you even try to help those people" I cirtasized Red as we traversed the roof tops searching for the (for lack of a better term) zombies.

She have me a dirty look. " I may be evil and very unstable but I'm not that cruel. Of course I tried to help them, it just didn't work, in fact it made it worse so I out those people out of their misery" she snapped back at me.

"Yeah sure, I'd totally believe the person who turned me immortal" I scoffed sarcastically before jumping of the building spotting a zombie staggering into walls of the back ally. I landed loudly on a fire escape getting the attention of the zombie. Quickly I shot a web at his face, giving me enough time to jump down and web him up to the wall. "Got one" I called up before climbing the side of the build back to the roof top.

"Thanks web boy" Red said before dropping off the building. I walked away from the edge not wanting to see or hear anything of what was going to happen to the poor guy. But of course with my luck being around Red I had to hearing the sticking shelch of a sword being slide out of a head.
I pulled my mask above my mouth and covered my mouth with a hand and tried to compose myself before I throw up.
I wish I was paired with any one but her I thought as I heard boots climbing the fire escape I had landed on earlier.

"Come on spider boy lets get going" she said cheerfully causing a shiver to run down my spine. Why was she so happy with this.

"Coming" I called back pulling the mask back down and jumping over the gap between the buildings.

"You know I had my reasons" she said as I stepped into pass with her.


"For making you immortal"

"If thinking that makes you sleep better at night then fine" I snapped.

She let out an exasperated sigh "you know it was lonely, just me and my dad, and well of course saber tooth but he wasn't around that much."

"Is there a point to this story?" I said giving her A side look. Which she of course renturned with a glare.

"Would you shut up for one minute, I know you hate me but let me explain!" She shouted as I dropped down and webbed up another 'zombie'

"Fine" I said through my teeth as we switched places, luckily she killed the zombie with out causeing any more stomach churning sounds.

"I wanted the people I care for an the people who could help me to stay with me"

"What do you mean?" I asked still confused.

"Let me you use Steve as an example." She paused before counteuing. "Do you think he survived being frozen for 70 years by pure luck?" She asked.

"Well there's a scientifical reason behind what happened that I could explain."

"True" she said cutting me off "but no cigar, he's immortal to, of course he doesn't know he was my first successfull test subject at immortality"

"Elaborate" I said, talk about science always peaked my interest

"I knew he was going to die in the army unless I did some, which I did because well honstely he's my sainty and the voice that tells me right from wrong. I tested diffrent procedures and chemical mixtures on injured soldiers who returned from battle but where it going to survive there injuries. I explained what I wanted to do and asked them if they'd volunteer. Some did, others didn't" we stopped walking at this point.
"I took in those who volunteered and made sure those who didn't where still being looked after till they passed, none of my experiments worked until the last attempt, but sadly the patient was to fargone for it to work. That of course is where the super solider serum comes in. I volunteered to help out with it when I found out Steve was going to join the army. Professor erkskine heard of my experiment and asked for the formula which I gave to him. He added in the solider part of the serum then bang captain America was born." She said pauseing once again as I dropped down to a steer webbing up several zombies that had wandered into the street.

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