Quick questions/ authors note

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I'd kinda like your guys opinions first before I write anymore because well this book went by quicker then I excepted and well

It'll probaly end in a couple chapters.

Eeeep. Don't hate me.

Anyways questions:

1) would you guys want a sequal or are you oppesed to the idea?

2) is there anything you guys want to see before this ends / in the next book (if you want another book)?

3) do you guys want the last chapters in one go or spread out?

I think that's all the questions I have for now at least.

I'll probaly let you guys know by the end ish of this week the plan.

I'm just wondering because most of what I have next I kinda want to do in a sequal book

Leave your thoughts, comments, concerns, ect for me

Love you guys
I hope you have a good day/night

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