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~Wade P.O.V.~

I was beyond glad that Tony had hired me to stalk Peter, because with out him our paths probably wouldn't have crossed. I looked over at the teen who was scanning the neighbourhood. It was easy to see the look of worry flash across his face multiple times through out our walk. I wrapped an arm tightly around his waist. Sure I didn't live in the nicest part of the city but where else would it be normal to never show your face? Uhm when your robbing a bank in Antarctica the yellow box said causing me to roll my eyes. I had thought that it would be hard trying to act semi-normal around Peter partly due to the voices but surprisingly they where fairly quiet when I was around him, that fact just made me want to spend as much time with him as possible, well I mean that I would want to spend a lot of time with him anyways just because he's a really sweet guy and all and the voices leaving me alone is a really awesome addition and all but like- Wade focus he's asking us something I blinked several times then looked at Peter realizing we where outside my apartment "Pardon?" I asked unsure if the white box had lied to me or not.

"I said is this where you live?" Peter repeated looking around nervously.

"Yup" I said popping the p and pulling out my keys. I unlocked the door then gestured for him to go in ahead of me. "I know it's not that nice and it's a mess but it's home" I said watching Peter glancing around wearily. His gaze fell upon the dried blood stains on the ceiling above my chair.

"Who-who's blood is that?" He stammered obviously mortified. We should have cleaned up before inventing him over the box lectured. I sighed at the voice, he was annoying but right, I didn't think this through.

"It's mine" I finally replied staring at the floor. And now we've ruined this whole damn thing with him I thought to myself as the silence between us started to fill me with fear.

"Wade that makes no sense because your right here with me and who ever got shot is obviously dead!" He said, his voice filled with anger and his eyes glaring intensely at me.

"I'm telling you the truth! It's not my fault I can't fucking die!" I cried out, breaking down slowly. Peter was the one person I felt that I didn't need to keep all my walls up around and now I learnt the hard way that I was wrong.

"Wait what do you mean Wade?" Peter asked, his tone chaining form anger to one filled with concern. I looked at him from under my hood and mask (yes I wear my mask with my street clothes, so sue me, no don't actually you've read what I live in, I'm broke as fuck, well actually not really but most of my money is spent of my presciouse weapons).

"I can't die,ever, and it's even better because I'm insane, depressed, and suicidal. You can just leave. I'm sorry I ever got that stupid idea to talk to outside the library" I growled stalking to my bedroom leaving Peter to do what ever the hell he wanted.

Why did I have to fuck up the best relationship I've ever had before it even started I thought kicking my bed repeatedly listening for the sounds of the front door opening and closing signifying Peter leaving my life. But that never happened, instead two arms wrapped around me. "Leave me alone" I said ignoring the teens embrace.

"Wade look at me" he said loosening his arms around me. I turned facing him but I refused to look into his deep brown eyes.

"What" I snapped. Maybe if I act like a complete dick to him, even if it hurts me like hell, he'll leave me and find some on who deserves him, or at least some one who deserves him more then a killer like me. Peter pulled me closer to him taking me by surprise.

"I'm never going to leaving you Wade, I'm sorry I got mad at you. I really like you a lot Wade and I've lost almost everyone else I care about" he said locking his eyes with mine. "Wade I'm here for you if you need me."

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