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~Wade's P.O.V.~

~Three years later

"Wade Wilson could you please explain what's on the TV" Peter shouted from the living room. Fucking shit I thought knowing full well what was on the screen. I had been taking more jobs lately without Peter's Knowledge since I wanted to get him a nice engagement ring to propose to him. I headed down stairs and prepared myself for the wrath of Peter.

"Uhm yes?" I said standing across from Peter with the couch in between us.

"What is this?" He repeated pointing to the paused news story about a family of five that had been slaughtered by some one (me) with a katana.

"I was contracted to do that and was told to phone the police after they where unalived, if it's any bonus the whole family where partners in crime and had hostages in their basement who I saved just so you know." I said as Peter shot me a glare.

"Wade I don't ever want to see any of your contracts on TV again. I'm still not and never will be one hundred percent of with your job but I'm more ok with it now that you don't harm innocents but I still don't want to know about your jobs." He said angrily with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Ok, I'm sorry. I didn't know that taking that contract would upset you so much. I promise that I won't take any more jobs like that, ok babe?" I said walking around and hugging him.

" You better or you're going to be sleeping on the couch" He said returning my hug.

"I love you" I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"Some days I love you too, others like today I feel like shipping you back to Canada" He muttered jokingly.

"Oh Ouch, that hurts my soul. And by the way Canadians have a no return policy" I joked causing the brunette to smile. "But I do hate to burst your bubble but I do have I job that I need to do ok?" I said hoping he wouldn't get mad at me for saying that right after the conversation he just had.

"Ok, but please don't be on the news again Wade"

"I promise" I said before kissing him then headed back up stairs and sin shed suiting up and strapping all my weapons on then headed out the window and to the ware house I was meeting my client at, which just so happened to be in the shadiest part of town.

I walked in and scanned the interior of the metal building. I deemed it safe enough and stood in the middle allowing my self a clear view if any one was going to try and sneak up on me. Eventually after what felt like an eternity a feminine voice spoke out. "Good afternoon Wade Wilson"

"Uhm, nope, the name's Deadpool" I said not wanting to give away my identity as a figure started to come out from the shadows.

"Oh Wade I thought that you'd be happy that some one asides from your precious little Peter Knowing your name would make you happy." She said smirking at me from behind her red hair sensing my imminent discomfort from her mentioning Peter.

" My personal life doesn't matter to you, this was a business call so let's get down to business" I snarled. Her smirk grew even more.

"Thats just the thing Wade, this is a business meeting but it also deals with your personal life." She said, her voice full of venom.

"What do you mean?" I asked eyeing her suspiciously.

"Simple darling" She purred sending a shiver down my spine. " I'll be giving you jobs that you will do even if they go against your little spider's rules for what jobs your allowed to take." She said handing me a burner phone. "You will get text messages from me under the name Red, and you will do the jobs I give you in the time limit if there is one, or else say good bye to poor little Peter Parker." She said then started laughing maniacally as she sashayed away from me, leaving me (for the first time) trembling in fear. I recognized the long crimson hair as she walked away knowing full well who she was both in super identity and secret identity.

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