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~Peter's P.O.V.~

I ended up leaving Wade's around mid after noon. After our extremely lazy but cuddled filled day I war ready to get a start on my art project now that Wade and Steve gave me inspiration on what to draw for it. I was lost in thought visualizing it on the trip up the elevator and to my room until the sight of Steve and Tony making out stopped me in my tracks. "Uhm guys I do live here also and I did not need to see that" I said causing them to pull a part.

"Oh hey Pete, didn't know you'd be home so soon" Tony said ruffling his already messy hair.

"Look I'm fine with your guys relationship and what not but I do not want to be coming home and walking in on you guys making out again." I said walking towards my room. "Oh by the way I'm glad for your guys relationship" I called out before locking my self in my room and started alternating between working on my art project and texting a now fanboying Wade.

For a couple of months routine stayed pretty much the same. Go to school, be annoyed with classmates, meet Wade at lunch, go back being annoyed with class mates, go to Wade's to do homework, go home, repeat until the weekend where I would usually hang out with Wade, or have date night with Wade or we'd go on double dates with Steve and Tony since they publicly came out as a couple. All was going pretty well until threatening letters started showing up in my locker ranging from homophobic to death threats due to my side job of talking photos of Spider-man. After several weeks of threats I decided to tell Wade, Steve, and Tony about them because the person sending them obviously wasn't sending them as idle threats since most of the letters where coming with venomous arachnids which just so happen to be alive.

"Fuck this, I'm going to kill all the assholes sending you these fucking letters!!" Wade shouted as he stormed towards the elevator only to be stopped by Jarvis locking down the floor.

"Mister Wilson please sit back down and restrain yourself from any further out burst while we all try to sort out Mister Parker's problems civilly" the computerized voice said and Wade surprisingly obeyed and sat down roughly beside me on the couch. I wrapped and arm around his waist hoping that would calm him down somewhat.

"I think I know a solution to stop the death threats" Steve said after he finished studying the letters for the millionth time.

"What?" I said perking up some what.

"Stop sending in freelance photos of your self and I'm sure Tony here will give you a raise" he said elbowing the sleeping billionaire in the ribs.

"Who? What? Where's the fire?" Tony shouted startled that he was suddenly woken up.

"I said that you would be more then happy to give Peter a raise if he stopped sending in photos of him self suited up" Steve said glaring at Tony so that he knew he had no choice in the matter.

"I guess I could give him a couple thousand dollar raise" Tony said shrugging. I swear if I was drinking anything at the time I would have sprayed my drink at Tony out of shock, instead I settled on staring at him wide eyed with my mouth gaping open.

"I've been using the money from the internship to save up for collage and the money from the photos was mine to buy on non-necessities "I pleaded not wanting to give up my side job that gave me enough money to be happy. I found my self being surrounded by glares from the mercenary, super solider, and millionaire.

"Any one of us, asides form you, can pay for your collage tuition and supplies." Wade growled.

"But I don't want to be even more of a burden money wise on you guys" I said crossing my arms across my chest praying that they would listen to my reasoning instead of just ignoring them.

"Yeah no, I have more then enough money Peter, and besides I only spend it on stuff for work and for rent." Wade said pulling me into his side. I opened my mouth to argue back but Tony cut me short.

"Peter Parker you will not argue with us. We're deciding this for your own well being" he stated sternly. I slouched against Wade knowing that I would no longer be able to win this argument against them.

Later that day I went and told the newspapers I was sending the photos to that I was no longer interested in taking photos of Spider-man. After that every week Tony gave me a cheque for a couple thousand dollars every week even if I hadn't worked that week. School ended up getting better, the death threats stopped completely and the homophobic letters dwindled down since Wade may or may not have threatened my school much to my dismay. Life was going pretty good asides from Wade was picking up more jobs killing people even though he knew I hated when ever he took those jobs even if it was killing people involed in illegal activities. Through out the rest of the school year Wade had gotten more clingy realizing that I would have to leave for collage but in reality I was planning on taking my courses online since Wade would act like a mopey puppy if I left. The year had ended surprisingly quickly and before we knew grad was over and done with as well as the last day of school.

"Peter do you have to leave me for collage?" Wade whined as he pulled me down onto the couch with him as soon as I walked into his apartment after the last day of high school ended. I chuckled and pulled out my letter of acceptance to the online collage and handed it to Wade.

"It's an online collage so I won't be going anywhere" I said causing a smile to spread across his face.


"Yup" I said popping the p. Wade kissed me then frowned slightly.

"But that still means we won't have anytime to spend time together."

"Well I'd ask you to move in with me but I don't have my own place so I can't" I said hoping he'd get the hint.

"I guess then we should get our own place together then since there's no way in hell am I letting you permanently live in this disease ridden apartment" I chucked and cuddled closer to him.

"Your such a romantic" I said sarcastically " but thats a pretty good game plan" I added.

"Then it's settled, when should we go house hunting?" he asked.

"Later" I said kissing his check. "Right now I want to be lazy with my boyfriend since I no longer have to worry about high school anymore"

"Sounds good to me" Wade said wrapping his arms around me.

" Hey Peter?" Wade said after awhile.


"I'm paying for the house so you don't have to spend any of your money"

"Ugh fine, I'm too lazy to argue with you about money right now."


"Your either the best of weirdest person I know" I said nuzzling his neck.

He chuckled "Well thank you."

We ended up spending most of the summer searching for a place to live and eventually we found a three bed room house that we had both fallen in love with. We had decided on a three bed room house so that one of the extra bed rooms could be used as an office for me for school, while Wade was planning on using the extra bed room as a place to store all his weapons and ammunition. Wade had sent in an offer way above the price the seller had wanted for it so that we for sure ended up getting the house. We had stayed in Stark towers still while we where repainting the house and changing out the extremely outdated floors while we where keeping the new furniture and decorations at Wade's apartment. Both Steve and Tony had to help us out with furniture shopping since neither Wade or I had any usable/nice furniture to use in our place. We ended up getting a mash up of different styles which suited our personalities. It took until about a week before my online classes started before we where finally able to move into our house together.

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