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~Peter P.O.V.~

I groaned waking up slowly. I had exhausted myself from studying that I hadn't realized until recently what had went down yesterday. I stretched then attempted to cuddle against Wade's chest. I sighed realizing he wasn't in bed with me. I pulled my self out from the warm bed and headed down to the Kitchen to check if the merc was in there. I frowned when I didn't spot or hear him any where in the house. Walking to the fridge I noticed that there was a note attached. 'Got a job. I didn't want to wake you since you where so tired that you were derping. Anyways I'll text you when I'm done. -Love Wade' read the note in his messy scrawl. I set the note down and grabbed a muffin from the fridge and ate it sleepily. My spider sense started tingling suddenly. Turning around I scanned the room looking for anything that may have been the trigger of my spider sense. Giving up I sighed and figured that Wade's paranoia was getting to me since he wasn't here. Stretching I headed back upstairs and took a quick shower. Getting out I frown when I heard random music playing loudly from downstairs. I got dressed quickly then checked my phone and started panicking slightly when I saw that Wade hadn't texted me saying that he was done. My spidey sense started tingling again, I turned and faced the bed room door unsure of what was going on.

"Is Wade's precious spider scared?" A feminine voice purred from behind me. I spun around and meet the owner of the voice. A woman with long red hair was lounging on top of Wade's dresser.

"Who the hell are you and how did you get in my house?!" I demanded shifting how I was standing into a defensive stance.

"Simple questions from such a smart kid. Tsk tsk." She teased. I started flaring at her.

"Answer my questions" I demanded again. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Fine, I guess I'll tell you since I have time. I'm your boyfriends boss, and I Picked your guy's locks. Now that we've made introductions it's time to say nighty night little spider." She smirked pulling a weapon out from behind her. I heard a band then every thing went black.

A moan of pain escaped my lips as I slowly woke up. "I'm so glad you've finally woken up, now we can start on the experiments!" A female voice giggled through the haze I was in.

"Where am I?" I muttered looking around the grey concrete room. I tired moving but frowned seeing that I was tied to a chair.

"Your in my basement darling." She said walking forward holding a needle filled with some sort of liquid. She walked up to me and injected the liquid into my arm. I let out a scream as a fiery sensation radiated out from the injection point. The woman pulled out her phone and startled either taking photos of me or videotaping me. "I wonder what Wade would think if we sent him this video of you screaming and withering in pain?" She purred as I passed out from the over taking pain.

The world around me broke through the sleep I was in due to another wave of excruciating pain. "Stop doing that to him." A males voice called out to a person not in the room.

"Nah I'd rather not. Watching people suffer horribly is way to much fun to stop." A cheery female voice said over a crackling intercom.

"The hell Scarlet!" The man raged as he punched a wall.

"Sorry Steve but your little magpie has been replaced by a fiercer creature that thirst for blood." The voice purred over the still crackling intercom. I grounded in pain as my senses finally came back.

"Peter! You ok?" Steve asked rushing over to me.

"Yeah, or at least I will be once we're out of here." I muttered sitting up on the metal bed.

"Oh Peter I'm so glad your awake!" Red purred walking in seductively while holding three wine glasses filled with what was probably and hopefully wine. "Steve, Peter do share a glass of wine with me before I drive you two lovely gentlemen back home." She said handing each of us a glass and sitting down on the bed beside me.

"I guess we could" Steve said wearily looking between the glass, Red, and me. I kept quite unsure on how to deal with this situation. Sure I was use to and can handle Wade's insanity, but that probably isn't going to translate over to Red, while Steve on the other hand knew how to deal with her insanity since he was engaged to her.

"Cheers to good health and good luck with our current jobs." Red said with a faint smirk etched onto her face. We clinked glasses then took a sip of the red liquid. A wave of horror spread through me as I quickly placed the metallic taste of the liquid. I spat it out horrified and looked over at the now cackling female beside me. "What's the matter little spider? Didn't like the drink?" She mocked after quenching her laughter.

"You made us drink blood!" I roared stopping Steve from taking another sip.

"Don't worry my darling Peter, it was only the blood of a little innocent girl who was walking home from school wearing a pink sundress and braided pig tales in her hair." she said deliberately taking a long sip from her glass.

"You monster!" I snapped at her. She gave me a dark smile then slapped me across the face with a hand that just so happened to be adorned with a set of bulky rings. I cried out in pain and shock.

"Do not disrespect some one who can easily end your life in an indent." She seethed baring her teeth at me.

"Scarlet calm down, he didn't mean it, Peter was just shocked and it was a slip of the tongue so please calm down and don't do anything drastic." Steve soothed. Red good a breath then calmed down slightly making me grateful that Steve was here with me or I would be dead.

"Well I was going to let you two boys go free but now I have to teach Parker a lesson" Red said shooting a glare at me causing me to coward slightly. She placed her glass down on the bed beside her then hopped up happily then grabbed my hands and pulled me up. She dragged me out of the room smiling and skipping down the long concrete hall way.

"Where are we going?" I asked still confused and scared by her sudden burst of happiness. We walked in silence until my curiosity got to the better of me again. "Why does Steve call you magpie?" I asked causing her to look at me.

"Simple, as a kid I was always collecting shiny and metallic stuff so both my dad and Steve felt like it suited me and it just kinda stuck." She explained as we came up to a door. She pulled out a key from her pocket then unlocked and opened the floor. She ushered me in then quickly locked the door. I tried to pry the door back open but sighed in defeat when my pathetic attempt didn't work. I leaned against the door and slide down onto the floor and took a look at the new room I was trapped in. It had wooden floors unlike every where else in the basement, the walls where a light blue with a dark coloured wainscotting. the only pice of furniture in the room was a flat screen tv set into the wall. After several minutes the screen lit up with Red's face. "Ready for your finale test Spider?" She asked, a smirk present on her face. I jumped to my feet. "What do you mean finale test?" I asked confused, I had gone through test since she kidnapped me, but then again she had knocked me out several times.

"You'll see." She said ominously before the screen turned black and a rain of bullets shot down into me as the room was slowly painted red with my blood, giving a sinister meaning to Red's name.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: hey guys just a quick update, I'm able to write again so I've been writting a bunch and I've been thinking maybe every milestone for veiws im going to be posting a one shot, poem, or short story since I've written a few but I havent been sure of when to post them. anyways thats my plan and thanks for reading so far. Also the song I linked is the song that Red played in Peter's and Wade's house.

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