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~Wade's P.O.V.~

Checking the clock I quickly pulled on a pair of dark washed jeans and my usual hoodie plus a random pair of shoes then headed out of my apartment and over to Stark towers to pick Peter up for our date tonight. On my way I stopped and picked up more flowers for him since we kinda lost the last bunch I had given him. Once I got to Stark towers I headed to the elevator and went up to the main living floor only to smell a ton of smoke coming from the kitchen. Sighing I placed the flowers down on the side table in the hall way and went to the kitchen to figure out what the fuck was going on. Walking into the Kitchen I spied a panicking Steve and smoke coming from two of the microwaves. "What the hell happened in here?" I asked giving up on trying to figure out anything more then Steve plus technology equals bad stuff.

"I tired microwaving eggs and a potato and well this happened" he said gesturing to the smoking microwaves.

I'd say those microwaves are smoking hot! get it? smoking hot, smoking, it's funny.

I dragged Steve into the living room since he was capable of dying and I didn't know what Steve did so I wasn't going to take any chances. I opened the first microwave and got a whiff of disgustingly burnt eggs. Looking in I saw that the egg was splattered every where in it.

Well ones ruined on to the next I thought while opening the next one and almost suffocated on the horrible stink coming form the beyond burnt potato. I poked it and was surprised that it was as hard as a rock.

"Steve you are never allowed to use microwaves again." I said and tossed him the burnt potato so he would get the point. Tony walked in and started gagging at the smell the potato caused. "Stark you need to keep Steve out of the kitchen for a while and get two new microwaves" I said grabbing Peter's flowers and headed down to his room. I knocked on the door then let my self in knowing full well that Peter would be working on home work even though it was friday and he had Sunday to work on it. I smiled when I saw him hunched over his computer typing away. Walking up behind him I kissed the top of his head and placed the flowers down on his laptop in front of him.

"Hey Wade" he said turning around smiling at me.

"Ready for our date?" I asked.

"Yup, I just need to save then grab what I'm bringing over to your place" he said turing back around to save the file, move the flowers, and close his laptop. He grabbed some clothing and shoved it into his side pack as well as his laptop and cell phone. I smiled at him then grabbed his bag from him being the nice boyfriend that I am and followed him back into the main section of the floor. "Steve I'm staying at Wade's this weekend since we have a school project to work on" Peter lied since he didn't know what Steve thought of gay relationships.

We headed out of the towers and once we where out of view from the cameras I slid my hand into his. "Where to baby boy?" I asked since most of our date planning was Peter yelling at me to get off the internet. He shrugged. " But your the smart one who should have planned this" I whined causing Peter to chuckle.

"That might be true but you asked me out on this date so you should have planned something" he stated making me pout.

"Asshole" I muttered kissing his check.

"Says the mercenary" Peter quipped.

I rolled my eyes at him "at least I have money unlike mister freelance photographer" I teased moving my hand on to his waist.

"At least I've never stalked anyone then dated them."

"True, but you are dating your hired stalker, and I just thought of what we can do for this date!"

"Please don't say stalk some one" Peter said panicking slightly causing me to smile.

"No silly, I thought we could grab food to take back to my place then have a movie night and maybe patrol a bit if you really want to."

"Sounds good to me" Peter said leaning against me as we started walking back towards my terrible neighbourhood. We stopped by a food joint that Peter went to quite a bit then continued back to my apartment. I unlocked the door then gestured for Peter to go in before me. I had started getting into the habit of cleaning my apartment regularly now since Peter started coming over after school to do home work or when ever we wanted to spend time together. I plopped Peter's bag onto the chair then headed into the kitchen and watched as Peter un-packed the Chinese food. "You just going to stare or are you going to help me with the food?" Peter said turing around.

I pretend to think then smiled "I think I'll just watch you since you seem to have this whole food situation under your belt." He rolled his eyes then dished out two servings and placed one infront of me then sat across from me his.

"Lazy ass boyfriend." Peter muttered.

"I'll have you know I bought you flowers twice" I retaliated.

"Fine, sweet lazy ass boyfriend" he said smirking.

I rolled my eyes at him "You're so thoughtfull" I said jokingly. Peter smiled at me then we ate our meal in silence. We headed over to the living room once we were finished and I flopped onto the couch and set up the TV while Peter went through my movies and picked one to watch. He put it in the player then sat down beside me. I closed the player then smiled when I saw he actually grabbed season one of Criminal Minds. "Babe it's movie night not binge watch a TV show night" I said laughing slightly.

"I know but Criminal Minds is amazing though" he said pressing play. I smiled and gave him a kiss then turned my attention towards the show. We watched about 3 seasons before I got tired of sitting on the couch and ended up laying across Peter's lap. "Done watching TV?" Peter asked and I nodded. "Want to patrol for a bit?"

"I'm to lazy" I said making my self more comfortable.

Peter rolled his eyes at me "can I at least get comfortable too?"

I nodded and sat up so he could move, I then laid back down before Peter laid on top of me and snuggled into my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled. "Better?"

"Yup" Peter said before kissing me. We laid like that watching another two seasons before we both drifted off to sleep.

The smell of bacon and Pancakes ended up waking me up in the morning. I groaned then rolled off the couch making a loud noise. " Morning Wade" Peter's voice called out from the kitchen. I pulled my self up off the floor then headed into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around his waist sleepily.

"Morning Baby boy" I muttered against his shoulder.

"Sleep good?" he asked as he flipped the pancakes.

"Yeah I did, you?"

"Same" he said and finished cooking everything and plated them up.

"You didn't have to cook breakfast for us"

"Yeah and you didn't have to save Steve from the microwaves"

"Who told you that?"

"Steve, and he also figured of were dating and he's cool with it" Peter said turing around and hugged me.

"Well thats good" I said smiling.

"Agreed" he said returning my smile.

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